Industry Recognition Award
This award was first handed out in March 2004.
The intent of this award is to recognize outstanding long term service and dedication to the Calgary community from within our hospitality and food service industry. The recipient need not be a member of our Association but must provide a beneficial service to the community and shed a positive light upon our chosen profession. This award mirrors the Calgary Chef Association ideals of representing the hospitality & food service industry in a professional and positive manner.
2003 Mike Hatzistamatis, Mikonos Restaurant
2004 The Tamagi Family, Bridge Brand
2005 Spolumbo’s Fine Foods & Deli
2006 John Gilchrist
2007 Calgary Inter Faith Food Bank
2008 Community Kitchen of Calgary
2009 City Palate
2010 not awarded
2011 Calgary Farmers Market
2012 Chef’s Hat Inc.
2013 Culinaire Magazine, Linda Garson
2014 Canada Safeway/Sobey’s West
2015 Tony James/ World Wide Specialty Food