Business Minutes

CACC Business meeting, June 06, 2024. North Trail HS, Calgary 6:00 pm

CACC business meeting,
2024 06 04
North Trail High School
6:00 pm

We had 3 guests and 24 members sign-in.
1. Christopher, our president, called the meeting to order after all had eaten; a special thank you to
Chefs Sabrina and Jessica and all the students who helped prepare our food, as well as a special
shout out to Tony James, O/O of Worldwide Specialty Foods, for bringing a variety of cheeses and
accompaniments, as well as manning his cheese station.
2. Our guests introduced themselves; Jeff Birch, one of our associate members, informed us he has
taken a new job with Worldwide Specialty Foods.
3. There was no change to the agenda proposed from the floor.
4. No one commented/questioned the minutes as circulated regarding our last meeting at the
Scotsman’s Well in May
a. MOTION to accept the minutes as circulated by Werner Kohl, seconded by Larry Frandle-

5. Christopher presented our certificate of appreciation for hosting our meeting to Sabrina and
Jessica; the students who worked on preparing the meal were introduced to the group.
a. The following students who excelled in the April Culinary Hot Competition were
presented with embroidered chef jackets: gold medal team of Sehajpreet Singh and Josh
Gibbons, as well as silver medal recipient Sarah Carpenter.
6. No new members were present to receive their membership certificates.
7. Members were reminded to pay their membership dues to remain active and to retain their voting
a. Tony James from Worldwide Specialty Foods was invited to say a few words to the
membership. He reminded us he has been in business for 37 years; he focuses on Canadian
and imported cheeses, as well as a large selection of specialty items; he stocks over 6,500
items. Tony stated that they have basically recovered from the Covid challenges and have
in essence the same staffing level as before the downturn. Tony enjoys giving back to the
community and looks to support his customers whenever possible.
b. Christopher then presented Werner Kohl with the CF 40-year Pioneer Award.
8. Our webmaster, Helmut, informed those assembled that Federico Jun Causapin will take over as
webmaster; Federico has been shadowing Helmut for a several months and a few more training
sessions are planned to prepare him for the transition. Helmut will remain in the background and
aid as required.
9. Our President then turned the meeting over to Blake and Don, our election co-chairs. Blake
provided the following overview of our nomination meeting in May: Christopher Sprentz was
acclaimed as president for a 2-year term; Chris Thomson was acclaimed as vice-president for a
2-year term; the position of secretary, with a 1-year term remaining, was tabled to the June
meeting; Travis Birdsall was acclaimed as membership director for a 2-year term; Abdel
Belmoufid and Manuel Panfili were nominated for the education director 2 position and will be
decided by ballot vote in June; Jose Battad was acclaimed as young chef director 2 for a 2-year
term; social director 2 was tabled to the June meeting; Imran Khan was acclaimed as associate
director 2 for a 2-year term; Jeff Birch was acclaimed as associate director 1 for a 1-year term;
a. Blake then called on nominations from the floor for the position of secretary; Romina
Campuzano accepted her nomination for the position; no other name was advanced after 3
calls and nominations for the position were closed. OUTCOME: Romina was acclaimed
to the position of secretary with a 1-year term.

b. Blake then called on the nominees for education director 2 position to address the
membership; Abdel was absent from the meeting; Manuel was given 5 minutes to support
his nomination. Voting then took place by secret ballot; Don and Travis Birdsall collected
the ballots and left the room to count the tally for each candidate.
c. Blake then called on nominations for the position of social director 2; Kevin Kan agreed to
let his name stand; no other names were advanced, and after 3 calls the nominations were
closed. OUTCOME: Kevin was acclaimed to the position with a 2-year term.
d. Don returned as scrutineer for the education director 2 position and gave Blake the results:
OUTCOME: Manuel Panfili was elected for a 2-year term.
e. Don then MOVED to destroy the ballots, seconded by Beat Hegnauer- CARRIED.
10. Christopher then gave his report. He thanked all departing board members for their service. He
also thanked Blake and Don for serving as election co-chairs. He is looking forward to working
with the new board and encourages everyone to participate in driving and guiding the CACC by
bringing ideas forward. The CF has a new CCI chair as well as a new secretary. The AGM in
Edmonton had great educational presentations and excursions. Mental health was a consistent
theme throughout the conference.
11. Blake did not have a formal presentation; rather he spoke from the heart and stated what a
privilege and honour it is to serve the CACC. The work is very rewarding, and the benefits far
outweigh the effort put in. Blake pointed out that the success of one culinarian is success for all
and we should not be jealous of others’ achievements. He offered to help our new secretary ease
into her role. In closing, he stated he is looking forward to simply coming to a meeting and
enjoying the social aspect and not having responsibilities in running the meetings. Blake will
continue to be active, when necessary, and is only a phone call, text or email away.
12. Don, as treasurer, informed us we are in good shape financially. We have moved excess money
from our chequing account to a G.I.C. to earn extra income through interest. Increasing
membership will only add to our bottom line.
13. Our education directors were unable to attend the meeting, so no report was given.
14. The Serge DuFour Memorial Goilf Tournament will be held on Tuesday September 17 at the
Turner Valley Golf Club. Tee off times and exact nature of the social function is still T.B.D.
15. Yasha Rawat, a young chef member from our branch, competed and won the gold medal at the CF
Young Chef Competition held in Edmonton during our national convention. The competition was
very challenging, and we thank Yasha for her dedication and perseverance to our craft. Yasha
thanked Beat Hegnauer for coaching her at critical times, and admitted she was given some tough
love by Beat that served her well in the end!
16. No associate update presented.
17. Our chairman, Fred Malley, was absent, so Don Turnbull filled in and took on the task of thanking
the outgoing board members (Christopher, Jessica, Blake, Abdel, Travis, Jose, Federico, Greg and
Al) for their service. Don then called on the new board members to step forward and be sworn-in:
president Christopher Sprentz, vice-president Chris Thomson, secretary Romina Campuzano,
membership director Travis Birdsall, education director 2 Manuel Panfili, young chef director
2 Jose Battad, social director 2 Kevin Kan, associate director 2 Imran Khan and associate
director 1 Jeff Birch.
18. Our newly elected president, Christopher, the took charge of the meeting. He thanked the new
board for stepping forward and thanked the membership for participating in electing those board
members. He wants all members to participate in driving our CACC forward and wants
constructive feedback from one and all! He sees our way forward as promoting education and
supporting young chefs.
a. There was no new business advanced from the floor.
19. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday September 10 at S.A.I.T. The Tastemarket Canadian
Kitchen, 444 – 7 Ave S.W., 6:00 pm. start time.

20. The last call for door prize draw was announced.
21. The winner of our door prize draw was associate member David Yip.
22. MOTION to adjourn by Kevin Kan, seconded by Christ Thomson- CARRIED.

CACC business meeting, May 07, 2024 at Scotsman's Well, Calgary 6:00 pm

Minutes CACC business meeting 2024 05 07
Scotsman’s Well, Calgary
6:00 pm.

1. Christopher called the meeting to order after our dinner buffet.

2. He thanked all for coming and asked for the introduction of our guests.

3. Our President reminded everyone to purchase door prize tickets to help our finances.

4. Christopher asked if there were any comments/feedback/amendments to tonight’s agenda- there
was no feedback from the floor.

5. There was no old business or discussion arising from the minutes of our last meeting.
a. MOTION to accept the minutes as circulated by Beat Hegnauer, seconded by Clive
Chamberlen- vote: CARRIED.

6. Christopher had the privilege of calling forward national chef member Hans Puccinelli;
Christopher asked for all to stand while he and Hans read our Code of Ethics.

7. Members were notified to pay their membership dues; only current members may run for office or
vote in our upcoming elections.

8. Blake and Don, as Election Co-Chairs, were called upon to proceed with the nomination process
for our June elections. The membership were told this was part one of the process, and we would
come back to nominations later in the evening. Only current members may run for office, and we
must be able to verify that any nominated member accepts the nomination. The positions up for
election are as follows: 2-year terms for president, vice-president, membership, education 2,
young chef 2, social 2 and associate 2; 1-year terms for secretary and associate 1. There was
initial interest in several positions with some questions regarding responsibilities for the various
positions. This portion of the nomination process was then halted to permit individuals time to
think about running; we will come back to this portion later down the agenda.

9. Christopher thanked everyone that put their name forward to serve the C.A.C.C. He also thanked
those board members who are stepping down. He stressed the importance of maintaining contact
with young chefs and keeping them interested in our Association. We have 8 Calgary members
going to Edmonton for our annual C.F. conference. His full report is enclosed after the minutes.

10. Blake, our secretary, spoke of the importance of membership supporting the Association when
asked. We, as the board, get our direction from you, the membership. This is your C.A.C.C. and it
is your responsibility to drive it. When the board undertakes an initiative, it can only be successful
if you support it. Members were reminded to sign in and to verify if they are paid members; please
see Don or Blake should there be a discrepancy.

11. Don gave a quick rundown of the financials. All paperwork regarding Alberta Registries has been
filed. A new cashable $10,00 G.I.C. was opened by using excess money from our chequing
account. There was a discussion about our Association running a deficit; it was pointed out we are again supporting young chefs, as well as initiatives that put our CACC, as well as our chosen
profession, in good light. We have been dormant for several years and it is imperative we spend
money to promote ourselves to help grow membership.

12. Blake gave a quick overview of the high school hot competition run at North Trail high school on
April 18. We had 6 teams of 2 students competing (as an F.Y.I. one team competed with only one
student and placed second!). The C.A.C.C. provided judges, certificates, medals and prizes to our
young culinarians. They made plates of the best burgers with starch and salad, along with the best
chocolate chip cookie. Sabrina del Ben, who organized the competition with our support, did a
fantastic job given the last one was held 6 years ago! The C.A.C.C. will pay for the cost of the
supplies used plus we will provide the 2 top teams with personalized, embroidered chef jackets
which will be presented at our June meeting.

13. Mathieu, as social director, informed the gathering we will continue with our social functions, but with some changes as determined by the feedback provided from our surveys- stay tuned for updates. He informed us there is a video available at “
food-story” about our ice fishing outing in February- many thanks to Rosalyn Ediger and S.A.I.T.
for the video. We will have a golf tournament in September 2024 at Turner Valley Golf Club-
details to follow.

14. Tierra, as young chef director, asked the membership to speak of the C.A.C.C. to young
culinarians, apprentices and colleagues; she asked we wave our flag and do some self-promotion.
She also encouraged members to bring these young guests to meetings and show them around- this
is one of the best ways to promote growth within the C.A.C.C.

15. No report from our associate directors.

16. Don and Blake were again called to centre stage and continued with our nomination process.
Members had some time to reflect about letting their name stand for office. All positions were
called for 3 times before being closed. If no nomination for a given position is recorded, that
position is tabled to the June meeting. If one name is recorded at the close of nominations, that
person is acclaimed to office. If two or more names are advanced for a position, we will have an
election in June. The results of the nomination meeting are posted at the end of the minutes.

17. Under new business, our president, Christopher, called on Yasha Rawat, to speak about her
journey. She was a culinary student at Holland College in P.E.I. She competed in Skills and in the
CF Young Chef competition; she won the CF Young Chef for the province and competed
nationally in the CF Niagara convention where she placed 3 rd in the country. She then moved to
Banff to continue her culinary journey. She approached the C.A.C.C. and asked to compete under our banner. She entered the Alberta CF Young Chef competition and won; she is now preparing for the CF Edmonton convention and the corresponding national competitions.

18. The last call for tickets for the door prize was announced.

19. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, June 4, at North trail high school, 12500 Harvest Hills Blvd N.E.;
6:00 pm. start time.

20. The winner of the door prize (drum roll please) was Greg Trimming…again!!!

21. MOTION to adjourn the meeting by Tierra Walter, seconded by Chris Thomson- CARRIED.

►2024 05 04 May nomination meeting results.
Nominations accepted at our May 7 meeting at Scotman’s Well Pub; to be accepted for nomination, a member must be current, must accept in person or submit a written notice accepting the nomination. We cannot accept from the floor any nominations that are not backed by a verified acceptance.
●President- 2-year term: Christopher Sprentz- acclaimed.
●Vice-President- 2-year term: Chris Thomson- acclaimed.
●Secretary- 1-year term: tabled to our June meeting.
●Membership- 2-year term: Travis Birdsall- acclaimed.
●Education 2- 2-year term: Abdel Belmoufid and Manuel Panfili were nominated; election in June.
●Young Chef 2- 2-year term: Jose Battad- acclaimed.
●Social 2- 2-year term: tabled to our June meeting.
●Associate 2- 2-year term: Imran Khan- acclaimed.
●Associate 1- 1-year term: Jeff Birch- acclaimed.

►President’s report
May 7, 2024
Good evening, ladies & gentlemen, fellow members, chefs, and our welcome guests.
My name is Christopher Sprentz, President.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the CACC, I would like to welcome everyone.
As this 2023-2024 season comes to a close, I look back at the great year for the CACC. We continue to grow our membership each month. We continue to ask for everyone’s support of the CACC. Please continue to join us at these monthly meetings, bring a guest, encourage others to join and please….and,
remember to renew your annual dues!
This evening, we begin our annual elections process with nominations. Please join me in supporting a
selection of our next Board of Directors. Please consider running for a seat on our board and helping the CACC continue the 65 plus year legacy. The CACC needs a formidable team to help us grow and continue providing Calgary with this proud institution. I want to thank the Board for all their hard work, passion and support of the CACC. For myself these past two years have been an incredible opportunity of growth, both professionally and personally, which I believe has afforded me a great life experience. I do owe special thanks to Blake Chapman, who has helped me learn the many facets of the presidency of the CACC. I am very proud of the work we have done this past year and I look forward to what the CACC will become in the year to come! The Culinary Federation is just getting prepared for the National Conference in just a few short weeks, in Edmonton, May 26-30. Registration on the National site is still open, if you’re interested in attending and supporting our local branch.
Thank you everyone!

CACC business meeting, April 09, 2024 at Jerome's Appliance Gallery, Calgary 6:00pm

Minutes, CACC business meeting,
2024 04 09,
Jerome’s Appliance Gallery, Calgary,
6:00 pm.
24 voting members were present at the meeting.

1. Christopher, our president, called the meeting to order at 6:55 after all assembled had supper.
2. He thanked everyone for attending the meeting and asked for guests to be introduced.
3. He reminded everyone to purchase door prize tickets to support the Association and our education
4. Christopher asked if anyone had any comments or changes/additions to our meeting agenda- none
were proposed.
a. Members present were asked if any old business from our previous meeting at Bearpaw
Golf Club needed to be addressed- none was brought up.
b. Tierra Walters MOVED, seconded by Mikael Volke, that we accept the minutes of our last
meeting at Bearspaw Golf Club- CARRIED.

5. Christopher called on Erika Araujo, from Jerome’s, to receive our certificate of appreciation for
hosting the meeting.
6. Erika and Sean McIntyre then did a demonstration on how to prepare tortillas- from dough
making, selecting the best ingredients, to forming and cooking the tortillas. Erika reminded us that
since the dough does not contain gluten you do not need to worry about overmixing the dough.
She also recommended cooking the tortillas dry, without oil on the griddle. It was a very
interesting demonstration.
7. We then swore in a new young chef member, Emily Crozier; Christopher had everyone stand
while he and Emily read our Code of Ethics. As an FYI, Emily competed at the recent Alberta CF
Young Chef competition in Edmonton and placed third- an excellent result given this was her first
competition- well done Emily.
a. Christopher then announced that Sue Tenold is our newest associate life member; she was
called forward and presented with her life associate certificate. Sue thanked the
membership, told us how much this means to her, and presented a report which is attached
at the end of the minutes.

8. Christopher reminded the membership to pay their 2024 dues in a timely manner!
9. Our guest speakers for the evening were then introduced; Jessie Lin is a “foodie” member and
Molly Hu is a young chef member. Jessie is a food blogger and her partner, Molly, is a young
culinarian; they are passionate about food and our industry. They post about food, restaurants, etc.
that they find interesting, and spoke about the photography and writing in their social media posts.
It is a fascinating area that many of us do not understand very well but is becoming vital if a
business is to maximize its chance of survival, and indeed prosperity. Their new project involves
spotlighting local restaurants with a fascinating story behind them and if you would like to be
featured then please contact Jessie at
10. Helmut, as webmaster, informed us that Federico Jun Causapin is stepping into the webmaster position; he has been training, in the form of job shadowing, for the past few months and we should not see a change in our website- all will continue as normal. We need the membership to
help us keep our website updated, so please send us updates, or links to relevant stories, so that our
website is a destination and a resource for industry.
11. Christopher then presented his report which is attached at the end of the minutes.
a. Since nobody stepped forward to serve as Election Chair, he appointed Blake Chapman
and Don Turnbull to serve as election co-chairs. Please direct any interest to serve on the

board to either of them or to any board member. We have a 65-year history and we need
your support to continue our story.

12. Blake’s report, as secretary, is contained at the end of the minutes.
13. Treasurer’s update; in Don’s absence, Christopher handled the presentation. The business at hand is approving the 2023 budget review; to that end Christopher presented the following 2023
financial documents via projector: P & L (profit and loss) statement from January to December
2023, a trial balance sheet dated December 31, 2023, and a review statement from David
Christopoulos. Christopher highlighted several points during the presentation and encouraged the
membership to provide feedback; the financial reports presented were informative and self-
explanatory with no outstanding issues brought up for debate; there was no debate/comments from
the floor; so Blake, as secretary, then asked for a MOTION to approve the 2023 financial audit
review as presented; MOVED by Christopher Sprentz, seconded by Blake Chapman, to approve
the reviewed 2023 financial statements- CARRIED 20 votes yes, 0 votes opposed and 0 votes.
a. It was pointed out that any member in good standing may request to see the financial
records by contacting the treasurer and setting up a meeting for that purpose.

14. Mikael, education director, spoke of a CCC exam at SAIT on May 25. If anyone is interested there
will be an opportunity to volunteer in support of an initiative for seniors- contact Mikael for
further information.
a. Blake then spoke of the high school challenge on April 18 at North Trail high school;
Sabrina DelBen has organized the event, and we are supporting the initiative. We have 6
teams of two competing and the CACC will provide judges, medals and prizes. We will
pay for the product used at the competition and hopefully grow the competition next year.
We plan to invite the winning team to attend our June meeting and present them to the

15. Unfortunately, we had no social update for the meeting.
16. Tierra, as a young chef director, spoke of supporting young chefs; her employer, as well as her
chef, Abdel Belmoufid, our education co-director, support juniors by hiring them and allowing
them to grow by competing.
17. No associate report presented.
18. There was no new business from the floor.
19. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday May 7 at the Scotsman’s Well Pub, 12024 Symons Valley Rd
NW- that will be our nomination meeting so please consider serving on the board.
20. Christopher called on last chance to purchase door prize tickets.
21. The draw winner was Greg Trimming- seems he won last time around…buy a lottery ticket Greg!
22. MOTION to adjourn by Greg Trimming, seconded by Martin Makulowich- CARRIED.

●President’s report
April 9, 2024
Good evening, ladies & gentlemen, fellow members, chefs, and our welcome guests.
My name is Christopher Sprentz, President.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the CACC, I would like to welcome everyone.
I would like to take this time to thank our gracious hosts, Jerome’s Appliance Gallery.
We have a fun evening planned for you tonight.
2024, is another great year for the CACC. We continue to grow our membership each month. We need
everyone’s commitment in continuing to support the CACC. Please continue to join us at these monthly
meetings, bring a guest, encourage others to join and please….and, remember to renew your annual dues!
I want to take this time to thank our Board of Directors for all your hard work, enthusiasm, and

The first High School culinary, in 6+ years is set for next Thursday, April 18 th , at the brand-new North
Trail High School.
As we steer into the end of our membership season, we continue to prepare for our annual elections, next
month May and June. As a reminder, some of our Board positions, are coming up for election, including
my chair, as President of the CACC.
I would like to encourage you all to consider running for a seat on our board and helping the CACC
continue the 65 plus year legacy. The CACC needs a formidable team to help us grow and continue
providing Calgary with this proud institution.
One of the key positions that will be vacant is our secretary post. Blake Chapman has done a stellar job,
these past years, being the ‘glue’ and driving force in keeping our records as accurate and current as
humanly possible. Blake is responsible for keeping us whole and for me personally, Blake has been a true
resource in helping me navigate the CACC. Not an easy task!!
Please reach out to any of the CACC board members if you have any questions or interest in pursuing a
post with CACC BoD. We need everyone to consider stepping up and doing your part to help continue
growing the CACC and to continue the legacy. We are at a critical pivoting point in our association.
Although our growing numbers are being celebrated, at the same time, we, as the BoD, need to focus on
bringing value to our long-term and our new members!!
This past month, the CACC supported the CF Western Conference, March 8th & 9 th . The business
meeting was held at the Hotel Arts on Saturday. It was a powerful meeting, with a full agenda and I
believe we, as the Western Canadian leadership, accomplished a great deal to strengthen our Federation
and grow as Western branches. A special shout-out to Jessica Schweizer for helping plan organize this
Our gracious host for the Friday Ice Breaker and Saturday Dinner, was The Ranchmen’s Club. Both
events were exquisite and enjoyed by all!
The Culinary Federation is just getting prepared for the National Conference, in Edmonton, May 26-30.
Registration on the National site is now open to the public. If you can, please try to attend to support and
represent our local branch.
Thank you everyone!

●Letter of appreciation from Sue Tenold, newly recognized Associate Life member.


●Secretary’s report,

CACC business meeting, 2024 04 09,
Jerome’s Appliance Gallery, Calgary,
6:00 pm.
Good day everyone;

I do not want to sound like a broken record; however, things are predictable and as usual our database
remains as current as you allow it to be with your timely information updates. Please check the sign-in
sheets, and if your file has an X in it, you have not paid your 2024 dues so please go online at and rectify the oversight; also note the postal code associated with your name- if
there is not one entered by your name then we do not have a current address for you, and we also have a
problem if the postal code is not accurate…
The one glitch in the system is the fact that our national administrator, Lisa, did not receive one of the
cheques Don, our treasurer, mailed to pay national for memberships dues. Don and Lisa are working on
sorting through the problem, and all should be resolved in short order.
I want to instead focus instead on the initiatives your board of directors have put in place on your behalf
to promote our Association to culinarians and our community.
●The CACC has committed $3,000 to help defray the costs of 2 SAIT students (Grace Florence and
Juliane Yap), who are young chef members of our Association, to attend the October 2024 WACS
Singapore World Congress.
●We supported 2 of our young chef members who competed in the Alberta CF Young Chef Competition
in Edmonton in February 2023; the CACC committed $200 for this initiative.
●We are supporting Sabrina at the North Trail High School putting on a hot competition (April 18) open
to CBE and CCSD students; we will defray the cost of the food stock required for the competition,
provide judges for the team assessments, as well as provide certificates, medals and prizes for the student
competitors. The total cost of this competition will be under $350.
●We are looking for other initiatives to support and encourage you to bring these to our attention.
Our Association needs members to grow in relevance and supporting young chefs is one way to achieve
that goal; spending money to attract interest is an investment in our future. I believe it is better to try and
promote the CACC actively than to sit on our past laurels and hope to grow passively.
●Getting guest speakers is always a challenge, but one that is always front and centre. Look back at the
energy in the room at our February meeting at The Mash with a presentation by the SAIT team (student
Erik Hansen and Coach Manuel Panfili) having competed and won the prestigious Trophée Jean Rougié
in France, the vertical micro-greens farming presentation by GoodLeaf Farms and the samples they
provided everyone, as well as the Salt cellar display table and samples. We strive to provide that value
added/educational element to every meeting and encourage you to talk to your contacts and bring
potential speakers to our attention.
●With the guidance of Dean Mitchell, the CACC was active in the International Chefs Day initiative on
October 20 th . Hundreds of bowls of soup and buns were delivered to appreciative individuals in need of
assistance in our community. We need to involve more of our membership in such endeavours.
●Mathieu, one of our social directors, has worked diligently to put on field trips to increase membership
participation in CACC programs. So far Mathieu has had a foraging field trip and two fishing excursions.
You can encourage Mathieu by participating in these events.
●Our annual Christmas dinner meeting is very popular within industry. We revived our children’s
Christmas party this past December and it was very well received by all who attended and want to
continue the momentum. Next up will be reviving our President’s Gala and Awards Night; these social
functions take a lot of planning and energy but are important in promoting camaraderie and pride within
the Association.
●Our branch hosted the CF Western Conference in March of this year; participating in conferences is a
great way to promote understanding of how the national level works, and is a great way to develop
contacts and foster new friendships; these benefits however must be cost effective and fall within our
fiscal projections. Since we spent more than anticipated on hosting the western conference, we have cut
back on the May CF National Conference expenditures so that, in the long run, we basically break even

with our proposed 2024 budget. This exemplifies the need to expand our horizons while respecting fiscal
Promoting the CACC is vital if we are to grow. We, your board of directors, are always proceeding with
the best of intentions for our Association. Remember this is your CACC, and you must speak up and
promote your vision of what we should or must be. The status quo will not encourage growth. We need to
stimulate membership numbers and your executive needs your support. You can start by letting your name
stand for office in this election cycle. Simple things like advancing ideas regarding initiatives, supporting
active events, recommending guest speakers, bringing guests to our meetings, promoting the CACC with
friends and colleagues, are simple examples of positive involvement. It’s now up to you!

Yours in cooking,
Blake Chapman,
Secretary, CACC.

CACC business meeting, March 05, 2024 at the Bearspaw Golf Club, Calgary 6:00 pm

1. Christopher, our president, called the meeting to order at 6:45, after all had enjoyed the fabulous
buffet served by our host property.

2. Christopher reminded all to purchase their door prize tickets to support the CACC.

3. Christopher then thanked all for coming and asked for our guests to be introduced.

4. There were no comments from the floor regarding our posted agenda.
a. There was no old business arising from the minutes of our last business meeting held on
2023 02 06 at the Mash.
b. MOTION by Beat Hegnauer, seconded by Larry, to accept the minutes as circulated-

5. Christopher called on Albert Leong, Club House Manager, and Chef Kelsy, to step forward and
accept our certificate of appreciation for hosting our meeting this evening.

6. Our President, along with Travis, our membership director, then presented the following members
with their membership certificates:
a. As Life Local members for their long-time service to CACC goals and initiatives, as well
as serving as role models within our industry: Gerd Steinmeyer and Brian Plunkett.
b. As a long-standing member returning as an active member: Nigel Vaughan.
c. As the first “Foodie” member of our branch: Jessie Lin.
d. As new Associate members: International Pacific Sales with Imran Kahn (John Rebagliati
representing I.P.S. in Imran’s absence), The Grand Premiere Catering Services with John
Christian Lapus, Village Way Kitchen with Nathan Bacani and Lactalis Canada with Holly
e. We had all rise for the swearing-in of our two new Young Chef members: Molly Hu and
Yasha Rawat.

7. Christopher then asked Yasha to say a few words; she competed at the CF Alberta Young Chef
competition in Edmonton and won!!! She will now represent our branch and our province at the
May CF National Young Chef competition to be held during our national conference in Edmonton.
Yasha thanked us for allowing her to compete on behalf of the Calgary branch. She also thanked
Beat Hegnauer for helping coach her and providing invaluable insights into her recipes and
workflow. She stated she was extremely nervous, but decided to go for it, despite the short lead
time to the competition, and winning of course made it all worthwhile. Of special note, we had
another young chef member compete- Emily Crozier. Emily loved the experience and wants to
compete again. Congratulations to both young chef members.

8. Christopher reminded everyone that the branch now handles membership payments, so please
renew locally and we encourage any new members to also use our local website to process
application forms and payments.

9. Tom Shindruk was our featured speaker for the evening. Tom is a life associate member of our
branch with a history spanning well over 30 years. Tom is a motivational speaker and a cancer
survivor several times over. He wrote a book titled “Never Give Up” and his life journey and
experience served as inspiration for the book. He spoke about the importance of having a positive
attitude. You may aspire to retire from work, but you must never retire from life! Tom’s
presentation was truly inspirational.

10. The President’s update:
a. Our nomination meeting is in May and our elections are in June.
i. Open positions for a 2-year term: President, Vice-President, Membership,
Education (2), Associate (2), Young Chef (2) and Social (2).

ii. Open positions for a 1-year term: Secretary and Associate (1).
b. We need to appoint an Election Chair at our April meeting so please direct any interest to
serve to any board member.

11. Vice President’s report: ●Western conference is this weekend (March 8 & 9); please advise us
immediately if you have any interest in participating in either the business meeting or the social
events. Our CF Western VP has led us to believe we will have 14 presidents and vice presidents
coming to the conference! Hotel Arts is our host property with the Ranchmen’s Club hosting the
Friday evening icebreaker and the Saturday dinner. ●Upcoming meeting dates and locations: April
9 th  @ Jerome’s Appliance Gallery, 7152 Fisher St S.E. (this is our 2023 budget review and vote);
May 7th @ Scotsman’s Well Pub, 12024 Symons Valley Rd N.W. (this is our nomination
meeting); June 4 th @ North Trail High School, 2500 Harvest Hills Blvd N.E. (this is our election
meeting). ● The Wellness Committee will reach out to Chef Michael Noble with best wishes and a
gift basket and pray for a speedy recovery from his surgery.

12. Secretary’s repost attached at the end of the minutes

13. Don, as treasurer, reported that our GICs have matured and have been reinvested. The books have
been reviewed for the fiscal year 2023. They show a loss of roughly $8,000. Don will be absent
for our April meeting and asked if anyone had any questions for him at this time. Christopher will
present the financials at our next meeting. Don informed us the CACC Serge DuFour Memorial
Golf Tournament will next be held at the Turner Valley Golf Club in September 2024.

14. Federico is assisting Helmut with the website; Helmut will be stepping back, and Federico will be
assuming the duties of webmaster. The stated goal of linking our social media accounts and our
website is a work in progress and is progressing along.

15. It was noted we are making progress in signing up new members.

16. We had our ice fishing day trip and from all accounts it was successful. Don has already informed
us the golf tournament will be in September.

17. Al, as associate director, stated we are growing and that is a positive sign. We must continue with
the momentum and encourage more chefs and purchasers to join our association and attend our

18. There was no new business advanced from the floor.

19. Our next meeting will be at Jerome’s Appliance Gallery on April 9.

20. Christopher announced one last chance to purchase door tickets before the draw.
21. The door draw was won by Greg Trimming.

22. MOTION to adjourn by Beat Hegnauer, seconded by Chris Thomson- CARRIED.
Secretary’s report,
2024 03 05 meeting,
Bearspaw Golf Club, Calgary,
6:00 pm start time

Good day everyone;
As far as my secretarial duties go, things are constant; the database is continually improving as members
become accustomed to how we process memberships; since the level of communication from the branch
has improved and increased, we steadily mend fences and meet expectations. Attendance at our meetings,
although still erratic, has improved over the year.
We now have more SAIT instructors as members than at any time over the past decade, and young chef
members are at an even higher clip, surpassing a 15-year high.
Today’s report is more of a personal one.

I have dedicated two decades to serving our Association locally, provincially and nationally. It has truly
been an honour and a privilege to do so. Although it entails a lot of work in serving, the rewards far
outweigh the effort.
You have heard our president, Christopher, speak of our upcoming elections. This is your chance to serve.
New blood brings about new ideas, new visions and new energy- something vital for the survival of any
volunteer association.
The more active support the membership give the board, the more we can accomplish. The more active
we are within the community, the more our name becomes known outside of our members. Greater
exposure means the more desirable we become and that attracts membership- this completes the circle and
leads to a critical mass that will continue to grow over time!
Please give serious consideration to serving your Association.
Help from the inside rather than sitting on the outside and merely being passengers.
You do not have to be that shining star, nor be a lighthouse that shines the way for others to follow.
Simply be a spark, and you can excite the imagination of a young culinarian; with the help of other
sparks, you can start a fire that will shed light and show the way.
We all have a part to play; some of us have done our part and are preparing to step away. It is time for
others to fill the gap and help lead.
My question to you is who will step forward and be rewarded?

Yours in cooking,


CACC business meeting, February 06, 2024 at The Mash

Minutes CACC business meeting 2024 02 06

The Mash, 1535 – 5 St SW, Calgary

6:00 pm.

1. Christopher, our president, called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm.

2. He reminded everyone to support the Association by purchasing our raffle tickets.

3. He thanked all for coming and asked for our guests to be introduced.

4. April Gui and Romina Campuzano have birthdays this month so Christopher and everyone sang a

raucous and slightly off-key happy birthday to them!!!

5. There were no additions or changes to the agenda.

6. There were no comments from the floor concerning our posted minutes from the AGM, our last

meeting, held on 2024 01 09.

a. No old business came from those minutes.

b. Motion to accept the minutes as circulated MOVED by Mikael Volke, seconded by Beat

Hegnauer- CARRIED.


7. Christopher, our president, then presented our certificate of appreciation for hosting our meeting to

Ali Hamdi, GM of The Mash.

8. Holly, our new associate member from Lactalis Canada, was under the weather and sent her

regrets. We will present her membership certificate at a future meeting.

9. Allison Vaux-Wilson from GoodLeaf Farms gave an informative and highly entertaining

presentation on vertical farming. The Calgary plant opened in December 2023. When Montreal

operations start up later this year, they will be the largest vertical farming operation in Canada.

McCain became a strategic partner in 2018 and they haven’t looked back since then. They have 10

different leaf & microgreens products for sale, and they are proud to proclaim only air, light and

water touch their product! Of special significance is that these microgreens are far more nutritious

than their full-sized counterparts, and they have a much longer shelf life. This business model is a

prime example of sustainable growing and has very low water consumption compared to

traditional ground and row farming. To find out more about this venture please visit their website:

10. We have a new Life Local member but unfortunately Mexico got in the way so we will present

them with their certificate at the next meeting!

11. We swore-in 4 new members: federation/national members Manuel Panfili and Romina

Campuzano (yes, the birthday girl!), as well as two new young chef members Elvis Nguyen and

April Gui (yep, the other birthday girl!).

12. Mikael Volke, one of our education directors, played a short video that highlighted the journey of

the SAIT Team (Student Erik Hansen, Coaches Manuel Panfili and Andrew Springett) competing

at the prestigious Trophée Jean Rougié in France. After the video, Erik and Manuel stepped

forward and spoke of the experience. What stood out was the incredible dedication Erik, a second-

year culinary student, has to his craft. This story is truly an inspiration to all!

13. President’s report contained at the end of the minutes.

14. VP’s report: Jessica reported on our upcoming meeting locations: March 5 at the Bearspaw Golf

Club in NW Calgary; March 8 to 10, Western Conference at Hotel Arts & Ranchmen’s Club; April

9 at Jerome’s Appliance Gallery; May 7 at the Scotsman’s Well Pub on Symons Valley Road NW;

June 4 at North Trail High School on Harvest Boulevard NE.

15. Secretary’s report at the end of the minutes.

16. Don, our treasurer, reminded everyone to please pay their door fee. He noted membership

renewals were trickling in; it is imperative people pay their dues before the end of February so that

we may have as many votes as possible for national voting purposes.


17. Helmut, our webmaster, encouraged everyone to participate with the CACC and get involved! Our

website is going well, but needs to be viewed as a living document, always changing and in need

of updating with your input required to be effective. Helmut encouraged people to think of helping

as another form of networking.

18. Mathieu, one of our social directors, spoke of using surveys as a way of building our events. There

will be a new survey aimed at our social Christmas dinner to better plan for next year. Our fishing

excursion at Chain Lakes is a go for Family Day, February 19.

19. Our young chef directors gave the floor to representatives Adele and Karri from the Salt Cellar;

although the Salt Cellar started in 2010, Adele has been the owner since 2017. They are Kosher

certified and are free of most allergens. They make their product fresh weekly. They are here to

serve their customers. They set up a display table with some of their products and offered samples.

Please visit for more information or send queries to

20. Al, one of our associate directors, asked associates to promote the CACC; he asked them to talk

about us when about town and help spread the word. It is nice to see the CACC grow over the past

18 months, but more should be done.

21. There was no new business from the floor.

22. Our draw for the raffle prize was won by Al Kennedy.

23. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday March 5 at the Bearspaw Golf Club, 61 Hamilton Dr. in NW


24. MOTION to adjourn the meeting by Tierra Walter, seconded by Jeff Birch- CARRIED.

●President’s report:

2023 was an incredibly positive year for the CACC. We have grown our membership exponentially. We

need everyone’s commitment in continuing to support the CACC. Please continue to join us at these

monthly meetings, bring a guest, encourage others to join and please…. Remember to renew your annual


I want to take this time to thank our Board of Directors for all your hard work, enthusiasm, and passion to

make the CACC the great association that it is today.

This past fall, we, the BoD of the CACC, set out to hopefully revive several invaluable events that we

supported in years past. Going back 5+ years ago, the CACC was involved in a couple of young

culinarian related cooking competitions. We are struggling to get these events reignited and executed.

High School culinary student competitions are still in the works for this spring, but we have not firmed up

dates yet. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our VP, Jessica Schweitzer.

The second event is our Junior Chef competition format, which is a lead in, to our regional selection for

the CF National Conference Young Chef Competition. This is a major event and undertaking that requires

an individual to begin the planning, typically in the late fall, and run the competition Jan/Feb, leading to

candidate selection at the Western Conference in March. Unfortunately, the CACC will not have

candidates for this year's National Conference.

As we steer into the latter half of our membership season, we continue to prepare for our annual elections

this May and June. As a reminder, some of our Board positions, are coming up for election, including my

chair, as President of the CACC.


I would like to encourage you all to consider running for a seat on our board and helping the CACC

continue the 65 plus year legacy. The CACC needs a formidable team to help us grow and continue

providing Calgary with this proud institution.

One of the key positions that will be vacant is our Secretary post. Blake Chapman has done a stellar job,

these past years, being the ‘glue’ and driving force in keeping our records as accurate and current as

humanly possible. Blake is responsible for keeping us whole and for me personally, Blake has been a true

resource in helping me navigate the CACC. Not an easy task!!

Please reach out to any of the CACC board members if you have any questions or interest in pursuing a

post with CACC BoD.

Thank you everyone!

●Secretary’s report:

CACC meeting 2024 02 06, The Mash, 1535- 5 St SW, Calgary.

Good day everyone;

As of 2024 02 03 we have 62 current CF members; Lisa, our national administrator, is a little behind

because of an extreme workload. We currently have one local associate member paid for the 2024

membership year and 3 Life Associate members for a total of 4 current associate members- to put this into

perspective, we should have 15 current associates.

I would ask everyone to support your Association and pay your 2024 membership dues. We need your

numbers to allow us to speak to the National CF, and to industry in general, in a meaningful way- there is

strength in numbers. Paying online through our CACC website is fast, easy and convenient; I know Don,

our treasurer, is very accommodating when accepting your money- cash, credit card and cheque are his

stock and trade; I have it on authority he can even arrange money transfers. Don is an equal opportunity

treasurer and does not discriminate when it comes to your chosen method of payment.

While you are processing your membership dues, I would ask you to also complete the appropriate

membership application forms. Our database has made great strides over the past year, and that has

allowed us to better communicate with membership. Your continued diligence in keeping us updated will

foster improving lines of communication. To coin an old slogan: together we can make it happen.

Speaking of communication, never assume someone else has already said it; we would rather hear of

something many times over than not hear of it because of assumptions. A question is never silly because

that is an indication that you are looking for information; the answer may be silly, but the question never

is; open, clear and concise communication is the best path to success.

The Wellness Committee has been busy sharing compassion with members and their immediate family

dealing with significant health issues. We need to also promote and share less dramatic but significant

milestones in people’s daily lives; personal things like birthdays, marriage or the birth or a child; career

milestones like promotions, or participation in competition; academic achievement like obtaining your

CCC. Not every event gets a gift basket or a bouquet of flowers, but all should get a shout out to share in

the moment. Please pass on to your board of directors news about yourself or fellow members. Help grow

the initiative by providing guidelines on how you would like to see the Wellness Committee move


In closing, this is your association. We, the BoD, take direction from you. We are here to serve you, and to

bring success to our Federation. We are only as strong as the level of support you show us. Nothing

happens without membership involvement. The CACC needs membership to step forward to serve on the

board, on committees, to guide initiatives, to simply participate in the discussion and offer constructive


criticism. New blood is the lifeline of this, and any association. You cannot effect change from the

sidelines; if it is important to you, you need to participate at the level that suits your current ability- many

hands make for light work.

Have a wonderful day.

Yours in cooking,


CACC business meeting, January 9, 2024 at Calgary Golf and Country Club

Minutes 2024 01 09 AGM

Calgary Golf & Country Club 6:00 pm.

Please note that for voting purposes we have 31 votes regarding Bylaw and Standing Rules (25 federation and 6 associates); for financial (proposed budget) we have 35 votes (25 federation, 6 associates and 4 young chefs).

⦁ Christopher, our president, announced that everyone should sign-in at the registration desk; he also stated that everyone who is a current member should get a voting ballot from our secretary, Blake. The ballot will be required to vote on our Bylaw changes and on our proposed 2024 budget.

⦁ Christopher also encouraged everyone to purchase 50/50 tickets.

⦁ He thanked everyone for coming and informed the crowd that the buffet was open.

⦁ Our President called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm.

⦁ Members were then asked to introduce our guests.

⦁ Christopher then brought up our minutes of Spolumbo’s November 7 meeting.

⦁ There was no discussion or comments from the floor.

⦁ MOTION to accept the minutes as circulated by Helmut Schoderbock, seconded by Larry Frandle; CARRIED

⦁ Christopher then presented our certificate of appreciation for hosting the meeting to Executive Chef Abdel Belmoufid.

⦁ Christopher, our president, and Travis, our membership director, called forward our new members and had them read our code of ethics before a standing audience: young chef members Emmanuel Beda and Devin Boyer and national members Vanessa Mendoza, Davaniel Parson, Carissa Tkachyk and Albert Leong. Welcome to our Association!

⦁ The President’s report is attached at the end of the minutes.

⦁ The VP’s report is attached at the end of the minutes.

⦁ The Secretary’s report is attached at the end of the minutes.

⦁ Bylaw and Standing Rules main motions; a two thirds majority vote is required to pass the motion. The 8 notices of main motion were published in our November minutes. We have 31 eligible votes in the room.

⦁ Bylaw 1.1 et al.: to rename Junior member to Young Chef- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 0 votes abstain; 30 votes yes.

⦁ Bylaw 5.1 & 5.2: to introduce new membership category Life Local- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 0 votes abstain; 30 votes yes.

⦁ Standing Rule 2.2.3: to introduce guidelines regarding government filing- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 0 votes abstain; 30 votes yes.

⦁ Standing Rule 2.2.4: of the signing officers authorizing cheques, the treasurer’s should always be included and if not then an explanation to the membership is required at the next business meeting- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 0 votes abstain; 30 votes yes.

⦁ Standing Rule 4.1: increasing the stipend for hosting a meeting to $700- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 0 votes abstain; 30 votes yes.

⦁ Standing Rule 4.2: to codify minimum reporting standards regarding our yearly financial reviews- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 0 votes abstain; 30 votes yes.

⦁ Standing Rule 8.1.1: to simplify our website and social media accounts- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 0 votes abstain; 30 votes yes.

⦁ Standing Rule 8.1.2: to strengthen our ownership of intellectual property- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 0 votes abstain; 30 votes yes.

⦁ Blake, our secretary, read Don’s report which is attached at the end of the minutes. Blake also reported on a trial balance Don did on our books dated December 4, 2023, with a balance of $117,099.85.

⦁ In the absence of our Treasurer, Blake presented the 2024 proposed budget. The proposed budget is attached at the end of the minutes. Blake explained that large entries in our budget do have breakdowns in the accounting system and members may ask Don, upon his return, for these breakdowns if required. There are 35 eligible votes at the meeting and a two thirds majority vote required to be passed.

⦁ There was no discussion or comments from the floor.

⦁ Blake called for the vote on the budget- passed.

⦁ 0 votes no; 1 vote abstain, 33 votes yes.

⦁ Helmut, our social media chair, gave his report- it is attached at the end of the minutes.

⦁ Mathieu, a social director, presented his report- attached at the end of the minutes.

⦁ Our President called for any new business from the floor. CACC member Margaret Turner asked to address the membership. She stated she had not received answers to questions she first raised at our October meeting; the main issue revolves around CCC accreditation. She also raised issues with the lack of a formal process for parties to access CACC financial support for young culinarians. While she applauds funding initiatives meant to support them, she feels the process lacks transparency.

⦁ We then held our 50/50 draw. Jeff Birch, an associate member, donated a new chef jacket to be raffled and the winner was John Christian. Next was the $95 pot and the winner was John Christian- yep, the same person- go buy a lottery ticket my good man!

⦁ Christopher then announced that our next meeting will be at the Mash, 1535 – 5 St SW on February 6.

⦁ MOTION to adjourn by Beat Hegnauer, seconded by Greg Trimming- CARRIED.


►President’s AGM report:

Good evening, ladies & gentlemen, fellow members, chefs, and our welcomed guests. 

Happy New Year to all of you, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the CACC. 

My name is Christopher Sprentz, President. 

Welcome to our Annual General Meeting of the CACC. 

I would like to take this time thank our gracious hosts, The Calgary Golf & Country Club, Chef Abe Belmoufid, Sous Chef Tierra Walter, GM Philip Nurse and F&B Manager, Sam Sherlock. 

We have a full evening tonight as you can see from the agenda we have provided. 

2023 has been an incredibly positive year for the CACC. We have grown our membership exponentially. We have had a wonderful year of monthly business meetings, enjoyed at many different businesses across the city, at SAIT and the season’s final meeting, at the CBE CTC, in June. This coming year is looking quite promising for new and different venues for us to gather and enjoy our kinship.  

Our annual Holiday Celebration dinner was held on Dec 11, at Great Events at The Ranch in Fish Creek. It was a delightful dinner, 9 courses of amazing food and the company was momentous! We also had our Kids’ Xmas party at the Deerfoot Inn on Dec 27. The families had a blast and dear old Santa stopped by to hand out some gifts to the kids!!

I want to take this time to thank our Board of Directors for all your hard work, enthusiasm, and passion to make the CACC the great association that it is today. 

I would like to thank our secretary, Blake Chapman, and our treasurer, Don Turnbull, who spent exhaustive hours, behind the scenes, keeping our membership records and financials in much needed organization. Gentlemen, I thank you! 

This past year, I had the opportunity to attend the Culinary Federation National Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. It was a full week of seminars, a host of great speakers, in-depth soul searching and some amazing food. Canadian chefs from branches across the country, united and joined up with other industry professionals, international delegates, and other Foodies, to celebrate our Fine Trade, and collaborated on how we are going continue to build this industry, attract the next generation of your culinarians, and pass on our passion and knowledge. It was an amazing week, and we all left the conference full of energy and a positive outlook. 

As we steer into the latter half of our membership season, we are starting to prepare for our annual elections this May and June. Some of our Board positions, are coming up for election. I encourage you all to consider running for a seat on our board and helping the CACC continue the 65 plus year legacy. The CACC needs a strong team to help us grow and continue providing Calgary with this proud institution.  So, if you’re interested in joining the team and if you have any questions, please feel free to come and talk to any of current or past board members.

Thanks to all of you for joining us this evening!!


 Christopher Sprentz C.C.C.


 Calgary Academy of Chefs and Cooks



VP’s report:

Good evening;

My name is Jessica Schweizer and I’m Vice President of our Calgary Academy of Chef’s and Cooks. Here’s a list of our upcoming events.

Feb.6 -The Mash

March 5 – TBD

April 9 – Jerome’s Appliance Gallery

May 7 -Veranda 

June 4- North Trail High School

If anyone would like to host one of our monthly business meetings, please come see me after. 


Western Conference – March 8-10

Hotel Arts will host our Saturday conference and our guests will be staying here as well. Opening cocktail party on Friday March 8th and March 9th plated dinner will be at The Ranchmen’s Club. Saturday afternoon there will be a visit to SAIT for their open house and young chef cooking competition. 



►Secretary’s report:

It is an honour and a privilege to serve you and the Association. This work is vital if the CACC is to grow and become, once again, a relevant part of our hospitality and food service community. 


Grace Florence, a Young Chef member, gave us a thank you card, with a very nice handwritten note, expressing her gratitude for receiving financial support from the CACC to attend the WACS October 2024 Congress in Singapore. Juliane Yap, the other student receiving support, expressed similar gratitude in an email. It is vital to see our Association supporting Young Chefs.

Our Wellness Committee has been well received by membership; the CACC sending bouquets/gift baskets to members and/or their loved ones in a timely manner is a ray of sunshine in their day and we can all take comfort in that display of compassion and solidarity. 

Our CACC database is a living document, always subject to change, but thanks to you, significant progress has been made in bringing it up to date and increasing its accuracy. Every member registered in Calgary is contained within the CF Calgary roster; we are actively working on streamlining the process of communicating with National, and having identical local and national rosters demonstrates the progress we have made.

Membership numbers are maintaining their slow but steady increase; of note is also the number of people asking to be included in our contact list. We may have been off people’s radar for a few years, but we are slowly again becoming part of their thought process.

We need to strike up meaningful affiliations with other organizations from the food service industry, such as the Southern Alberta Bakers Association (S.A.B.A.); I spoke to one of their volunteers and they are prepared to work with us regarding our Serge DuFour Memorial Golf Tournament in September 2024.

We also need to connect with other organizations within our community and represent our chosen occupation and industry in a positive light and potentially increase our presence within the corporate level that comprises the influencers, movers and shakers of our city. Sitting on as many committees, groups, etc., is a way to make connections and possibly garner support for our Association. Having purpose, be it in the guise of International Chefs Day, fundraising for the Veterans Food Bank Association, etc., gives value to our Federation and makes us more worthy of support.

Have a wonderful day, thank you.

Yours in cooking,




Treasurer’s report:

I would like to thank Blake for giving this report as I am on my winter vacation.

I also want to thank the members for entrusting me with this job. I took over this job because no-one wanted to do it. I now know why no-one wants to do it. It has been a good learning curve, but it will take time.

I have made a few budget changes since the Spolumbo’s meeting, now including the National dues in both income and expenses. Next year we will increase the amount of money each host establishment will receive and that should we hope to make it easier to find the venues for our meetings.

I also made a change to include a golf tournament in the budget.

I will continue to encourage our members to pay by cash, when possible, at the door and by cheque for annual dues. The Credit Card fees are Just over 4 % and so on a member’s dues the association loses to the bank over $7.00 and door fee over $1.00

It is better to pay them locally as National tends not to track them well.

We have 2 GIC’s in the bank, one coming due in Jan2024 and I will take the profit from it to put towards the budget, but we still will have a deficit next year.

My hope is the association will grow and get some new young members to carry on with the work and it would also help the bottom line.

Yours in cooking, Don Turnbull, Treasurer

2024 proposed budget


►Webmaster & Social Media Committee Chair Helmut Schoderbock:

Here we are, one year later, and much has happened with progression of the Academy of Chefs and the website. We experienced a re-creation of a website that is simple to maintain, is informative as much as we want it, and it is functional. 

There were challenges, such as when hackers made the website unusable for a while, but that has been corrected with security features and automatic daily back-up. 

Some highlights include: 

⦁ Links to full-size, downloadable pictures on Google Photos. You may want to use these pics of yourselves to post to your friends – they may just want to know what and how you are doing these days. 

⦁ One email address, ⦁

⦁ Website allows to pay for membership, products or events online as they develop

⦁ Apply with a contact form and pay online, this contact form can also be used to update your contact information (add a note for that)

Methods to pay: 

⦁ Pay at monthly meetings by cheque, cash

⦁ Pay with e-transfer to ⦁

⦁ Pay online through

Of course, our treasurer is interested to maximize the benefits for the Academy of Chefs and to avoid the 3% service fee, and prefers options with payment at monthly meetings or with payment through e-transfer. 

However, if that inconveniences you, online payments are not discriminated against either. The treasurer is just such an accommodating guy 

Jun Causapin is in training to assist with the creation of content on the website, and for that he went went all out and bought himself a laptop! 

Like with many new things, this will be a learning curve, just as I had with Word Press, but in the end we feel usually better when have learned, and can we can demonstrate new skills!

I encourage members to help out with website content creation, to include interesting and trade-specific information for our members.  Kindly submit some info to June and me for posting, whether is competitions, food events, or other info, such as food pictures, etc. After all, it is a matter of input, resulting in output rewards through the fruits of our labour. 


Social director Mathieu Paré:

I want to thank everyone for their participation in social programs over the last year.

Here is a recap of exciting and well attended 2023 holiday season events.


December 11, our annual Christmas dinner; a sold out event at the Bow Valley Ranche Restaurant with 123 guests featuring a super creative 9 course menu developed by BVR Chefs and prepared by Executive Chef Darrel Kerr and the Great Events Team.

As a fundraiser we collected 2 heaping boxes of food, $364.99 in proceeds from the raffle which was supported by several Associate members providing prizes, and a gracious donation of $500 from City Fish; the nearly $900 donation and food was delivered to the Veterans Association Food Bank on December 16.


December 27 was our Holiday event for kids with Santa at the Deerfoot Inn and Casino; a number of multi generational families comprising 13 Children and 19 adults attended; events included swimming at the water park, a gingerbread decorating table, and gifts delivered by Santa himself. A buffet style lunch was served featuring chicken fingers donated by Sofina foods.


As a follow up from last year’s social survey, I want to  thank the membership for their input to guide social programming and noted outdoor activities enjoyed by members; events such as a Guided Plant Identification Walk in June, and a group fishing outing in July; of special note, we have upcoming on February 19 a group ice fishing excursion.


We are asking members to survey again this year. This time, it is to better understand interest and preferences relating to CACC gala type dinner events. 


I want to thank members for their valuable contribution towards helping to develop a relevant organization and including social programs. 



CACC business meeting, Tuesday, November 7 at Spolumbos's Find Foods & Deli, Calgary

1.      Christopher, our president, called
the meeting to order at 6:00 pm., and announced we would go straight to the
quickfire challenge; Mikael Volke, as the competition chair, thanked everyone
for the support and introduced the 3 competitors: Devin Boyer, Elvis Nguyen and
Emmanuel Beda. Mikael explained the rules of the one burner Spolumbo’s Sizzling
Sausage Competition quickfire challenge and announced that all competitors
would get to keep the frying pans and utensils used in the competition,
supplied by Bert Johnson Enterprises; other prizes for all competitors include
a year membership in the CACC & CF, a gift card from Spolumbo’s as well as
medals and certificates. The competition started with each young chef tasked to
present two identical plates and all assembled were encouraged to watch the
competitors display their skills within the allotted 30-minute time frame. The
results were tabulated by the 3 judges with the following receiving their
respective medals from Christopher and Mikael: Gold to Elvis Nguyen; Silver to
Devin Boyer; Bronze to Emmanuel Beda. A big thank you to Mikael, Spolumbo’s, as
well as to Travis Birdsall from BJE and all others who participated in the
background to make this competition possible.

a.       Christopher then announced supper
was ready and all enjoyed the buffet including the 2 new Spolumbo’s sausage creations-
Dill Pickle and Vampire Killer Garlic.

2.      The business portion of the meeting
started at 7:10 pm. People were encouraged to purchase 50/50 tickets.

3.      Chris thanked everyone for coming
and asked for our guests to be introduced.

4.      The agenda was accepted with no
changes advanced.

5.      Christopher again thanked everyone
for supporting the quickfire challenge and hoped it would become an annual

6.      The minutes of our October meeting
at the Ranchmen’s Club have been posted and open for discussion; no comments or
proposed changes were advanced; MOTION by Al Kennedy, seconded by Clive
Chamberlen, to accept the minutes as circulated- CARRIED.

a.       It was
brought up that the new micro greens vertical farm would like to do a guided
tour of their facility- more details to follow.

7.      Christopher
called Remo to the front and presented him with our certificate of appreciation
for hosting our meeting. Remo thanked all for coming and expressed continued
support for the CACC.

8.      New
member Thilanka Malith was sworn in by Christopher and Travis.

Dean Mitchell, O/O of Saffron Personal Chef Services, did a soup drive
in support of International Chefs Day on behalf of the CACC. This is the second
year in a row Dean has stepped up and supported this initiative. Dean was
unable to attend our meeting but sent us correspondence t
hanking Fresh Routes Calgary personnel, especially
Holly Barton, for delivering the soup while they were doing their markets at
Morley 54, at Greenwood Village Seniors and at Siksika Nation Food Centre.

10.  Christopher reported he participated
in a telephone conference call with other branch presidents and the CF; many
branches are experiencing low membership numbers and a difficult time in
overcoming the Covid inspired shutdown of our industry; it was pointed out
there are many new benefits of national membership so check out our CF website
for additional information. The Western Conference for 2024 is in Calgary and the
National Convention is in Edmonton so Christopher would like to see as many CACC
members benefit from attending these conferences- the added exposure would
benefit members.

11.  Jessica, our vice-president,
indicated our December Christmas dinner social meeting is on December 11 at the
Bow Valley Ranche Restaurant and our January 2024 A.G.M. meeting is at the
Calgary Golf & Country Club on Tuesday the 9th. Most of the
meetings through June 2024 are being locked in and will be announced very soon.

a.       Jessica also reported on the
Wellness Committee; Catt Waters had emergency surgery and the CACC sent her a
charcuterie and cheese platter- Catt sent the CACC a sincere note of
appreciation for the gesture.

b.      Nancy Rasmussen, Mike’s wife, also
sent us a letter of appreciation for the gift and flowers on the passing of her
late husband. Wayne Gaudet, a long-time supporter of the CACC and close friend
of Mike, was present at the Spolumbo’s meeting and related how Mike always
loved the time he spent with the CACC over the years volunteering for several
initiatives- his involvement brought him much joy and appreciation.

12.  Don gave a broad-ranging financial
report and presented the proposed 2024 budget. ●In broad strokes we had roughly
$1,500 from our GICs- he would like to put that interest into general revenues
to help drive the CACC. ●Don stated the numbers presented in the budget
documents for the 3 years prior to 2023 were actual and not projected numbers.●
He asked all tickets for the Christmas dinner be paid ASAP- he will not assign
table numbers until they are paid for. ●The children’s Christmas party is free
to current members and their immediate family- you must pre-register by filling
in the form so that we may keep an accurate count for our host as well as allow
Santa to source the gifts for children 12 and under. The proposed 2024 budget
is attached at the end of the minutes.

13.  Helmut, our webmaster, affirmed all
malicious code inserted during the June hack of our website is gone- we have regained
full functionality, and no information was compromised during the breach. The
payment option is fully secure and operational. We need to have some form of
training program/continuity plan in place to ensure a smooth transition from
one webmaster to the next.

14.  Blake spoke of the importance of
members sharing the responsibility in keeping their membership file current. To
that end members renewing should do so on our CACC website (
and fill-in the application form, which may be done separately from the payment
process; that application form is automatically sent to the Secretary and the

a.       Blake also presented several Notices
of Main Motion regarding Bylaw updates. A full report of these proposed changes
is attached at the end of these minutes.

15.  Travis, our membership director,
welcomed the Young Chefs who competed in the quickfire challenge; he encouraged
members to renew their memberships locally to allow the Branch better control
of the process.

16.  Mathieu, one of our social
directors, spoke of some of our previous outings- the local foraging workshop
and the fishing trip; he then spoke of our upcoming Christmas dinner on
December 11 at the BVRR featuring a reception with appetizers and a 9-course
meal featuring the theme “A Smoking Affair”; our children’s Christmas party is
on December 27th at the Deerfoot Inn & Casino; we will have an
ice-fishing event on February 19; the CACC will host Western Conference in
March 2024 and other events are being worked on. As you can see, we have an
active calendar so keep current with our events page on the website.

17.  We will not have any educational
speakers for the next two meetings- speakers will return for February 2024.

a.       Rosalyn Ediger from SAIT spoke of
the website which is a SAIT-made site to share stories about food.
It is a wonderful resource and a fine example of a living document- the more
you input the more it grows in relevance.

b.      Rosalyn also spoke of the upcoming
WACS Congress in Singapore in October 2024. She would like to bring two junior
delegates to it and would like to seek CACC financial support for the
endeavour. Christopher asked her to submit to the BoD a written proposal for

18.  Our next meeting is a social affair
at the BVRR on December 11; our Association has revived the children’s
Christmas party which will be held at the Deerfoot Inn & Casino on December

19.  Our January AGM will be on January 9th.
We will deal with Bylaw changes and our proposed 2024 budget.

20.  Dennis Kazakoff won $55.00 in the
50/50 draw. Jeff Birch, an associate member, with support of Canadian Linen,
gave the CACC 2 new chef jackets to raffle-off as well- Werner Kohl and Greg
Trimming were the recipients drawn for these additional prizes.

21.  MOTION to adjourn the meeting by Mathieu Paré,
seconded by Jessica Schweizer- CARRIED.



Don Turnbull, treasurer,

 2024 proposed budget.


Blake Chapman, secretary,  proposed Bylaw amendments

Tuesday November 7, 2023 


To comply with our Bylaws, section 9, notice is hereby given to the introduction of the following Notices of Main Motion: (click on the links below to see the motions)



These motions will be addressed at our January 9th , 2024 A.G.M. meeting, to be held at the Calgary Golf & Country Club, 6:00 p.m. start time. 

The Bylaws and Standing Rules may only be altered at the Annual General Meeting with a notice of motion given a minimum of 30 days prior and requires a two thirds majority vote of members present at said meeting or at a Special meeting convened for that purpose. 


Please direct any questions to the CACC Secretary. 


Yours in cooking, 



Blake Chapman, 

Secretary, CACC. 


CACC business meeting, Tuesday, October 3 at Ranchman's Club

Minutes CACC business meeting 2023 10 03

Ranchmen’s Club, Calgary

6:00 pm


1.      Our president, Christopher, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm after all had enjoyed a well-prepared dinner.

2.      Christopher thanked everyone for coming and asked that our guests be introduced.

3.      Our President reminded everyone to purchase 50/50 tickets to help support the CACC.

4.      There were no comments or changes to the circulated meeting agenda.

5.      No comments or discussion from the floor regarding our posted minutes from our September 12, 2023, SAIT meeting. MOTION by Fred Malley, seconded by Mikael Volke, to accept the minutes as circulated; CARRIED.

6.      The Ranchmen’s Club G.M., Will Trow, was busy so we delayed presenting our certificate of appreciation to later in the meeting. SEE 17 d.

7.      Christopher then called forward two new members to be sworn-in and receive their membership certificates- Olivier Larochelle and Oksana Hrypych; as a matter of interest, Olivier read our Code of Ethics in French!

8.      The CACC has not organized an event for International Chefs Day (I.C.D.). Dean Mitchell, from Saffron Personal Chef Services, is again preparing soup for the community at large and the CACC will assist as required with label printing, financial support for required product and sundries, as well as an offer of calling for volunteers if required. The membership was instructed to contact Blake, our secretary, for help in disseminating information regarding any initiatives supporting I.C.D..

9.      Unfortunately, we did not have a guest speaker for the evening.

10.  Christopher led a discussion to stimulate a debate with those in the room about what they want from our Association. We are working hard to overcome the inertia of the past few years and new ideas are required to meet the current challenges facing all associations like ours. Please reach out to any board member with ideas you would like to share and perhaps see us implement.

11.  Jessica, our vice-president, reminded us that our November 7 meeting is at Spolumbo’s, and our annual Christmas dinner meeting will again be at the Bow Valley Ranche Restaurant on December 11; she announced that our AGM will be on January 5th, 2024, at the Calgary Golf & Country Club.

12.  The Secretary’s report is attached at the end of these minutes.

13.  Don, our treasurer, was out of the country and did not file a report.

14.  Mikael, one of our education directors, reported that we had four students apply for our quick-fire challenge- we need to select 3 competitors for the Spolumbo’s challenge. Mikael also informed us that, for his daily culinary class at SAIT, he sets aside 10 to 15 minutes to allow respected industry speakers to address his students- this is an example of co-operation between industry and SAIT and hopefully to also enrich his students; please contact him with suggestions of desirable speakers or if you would like to be considered.

15.  Our Young Chef/Junior Directors did not present a report.

16.  Our Social Directors reported we would have a children’s Christmas party this year sometime between Christmas and New Year’s Day- details at our Spolumbo’s meeting. Our Christmas dinner menu will soon be available for your perusal; we will have raffles to raise funds for, and encourage people attending to bring non-perishable food items in support of, the veterans food-bank.

17.  Our 50/50 winner was Chris Thomson; he donated his $60 winning to the SAIT culinary student team!

a.       Margaret Turner asked to make a brief presentation regarding new business; she spoke passionately of the need for the CACC to support young culinarians and expose them to our various conferences and initiatives throughout the year, including WACS events. As an example, she introduced one of her former students, Kelvin So, who has an extensive work history in our industry, and has gone on to work for a decade in Asia in several prestigious properties and rose to senior management positions and ran beverage programs for multi-property operations. Kelvin has returned to the Calgary area and is looking for opportunities. Margaret wants to ensure this level of success is repeated with our support- we must nurture our young

                                                              i.      Margaret wanted to know if the CCC designation is for life; what are the criteria to take the program; what, if any, are the requirements to maintain the certification.

                                                            ii.      Margaret also thanked the Association for the gift basket we sent her on the passing of her mother and noted the effort Jessica, our vice-president, made to ensure it was received.

b.      Brent Anotado and Abu Kojo, immigration, recruitment and HR services providers, also spoke on the challenges immigrants face when trying to find employment and the resources they can provide to assist them.

c.       Christopher then called upon Jeff Birch, from Kienna Coffee Roasters, to step forward and receive his associate membership certificate.

d.      The Ranchmen’s G.M., Will Trow, as well as Sous-Chef Curtis Pintye, were called forward and presented with our CACC certificate of appreciation for hosting our meeting. Will thanked everyone for coming and stated it was important to him, and the Ranchmen’s Club, to support our association and give back to our industry.

e.       It was announced that it was Jose Battad’s birthday, so we sang Happy Birthday to mark the celebration!

18.  Christopher announced our next meeting is on November 7 @ Spolumbo’s Fine Foods & Deli, 1308 – 9 Ave. S.E., Calgary; bar opens at 5:30, food at 6:00 p.m., quick-fire challenge and meeting to follow dinner.

19.  Our Christmas dinner is at the Bow Valley Ranche Restaurant on Monday, December 11th. Details to follow. Cost is $145.00 per person all in (includes gratuity and gst). We have 120 seats available. Contact Don or Blake for tickets.

20.  MOTION to adjourn by Tierra Walter, seconded by Greg trimming; CARRIED.


Secretary’s report

CACC meeting, 2023 10 03

Ranchmen’s Club, Calgary

Start time 6:00 pm


Good day everyone;

1) Our database remains a living document; please let me know of any updates relevant to your file such as change of address, email or contact information, job, etc; you have the shared responsibility of helping keep your data updated and accurate.

When signing in, please verify that your postal code contained within your file is accurate; if it is not then we may have an inaccurate address for you; if the postal code is missing, please fill it in on the sign-in sheet and come see me so that I may check your record on file.

Our local database mirrors national and that is a positive sign. We are coming up to a new membership year so please renew locally, and in a timely fashion, to help us keep our database current.


2) Our Christmas dinner at the Bow Valley Ranche restaurant has seating for 120- please reserve your place by contacting Don, our treasurer, or myself. Don has created a spread sheet to control sales and can generate invoices if required; payment options will include online payment as soon as Helmut, our webmaster, gets the process up and running- hopefully within a few weeks.


3) Our Children’s Christmas party will be returning this year; this is a way we give back to younger members with family or celebrate with grandchildren. The success of this initiative rests with you. See our social directors, Mathieu and Federico, to register for the event or to ask for further details.


4) We will update our Bylaws and Standing Rules at our next AGM in January. I will have the proposed changes at the November meeting for your perusal.


5) We have made great progress since April 2022; we have overcome the Covid shutdown and board resignations. We have renewed interest in our Association from members and industry at large. We need to start promoting initiatives within our community that will bring us together, give us purpose and increase our exposure in general. Hopefully, as our numbers increase, the well of volunteers will grow deeper and we will again be able to drive initiatives like we have in the past- this is a major avenue, I believe, that will generate the most interest in who we are and how we are perceived.



CACC business meeting, Tuesday, September 12 at SAIT Hospitality House 

  1. @ 6:10 pm Christopher, our president, called for everyone to take their seats.
    1. He called on Derek Dale to say a few words, on behalf of SAIT.
    2. Derek thanked everyone for coming. He asked for those with ties to SAIT, whether past or present, to raise their hands; many hands were raised, and Derek acknowledged the ties between SAIT and the CACC. He also stated SAIT is recognized as one of the top culinary schools in the world and indicated they are striving to elevate their standing internationally.
    3. Christopher then presented Chef Dale with our certificate of appreciation for hosting our meeting.
  2. Chris and Mariko Thomson from the Wagashi Tea House in Canmore, Alberta, were introduced and invited to present their demonstration on Wagashi. As it turns out both Mariko and Chris are SAIT alumni! They host tea tastings and special events. Their establishment is open for breakfast and lunch. Mariko explained that Wagashi is a form of Japanese confectionary. White bean paste forms the base of this sweet, and it is meant to be eaten in a few bites. Mariko proceeded to make some examples, using various tools to cut and shape the paste into a delectable floral shape. The pace of her work was methodical, precise and everyone present was focusing on her technique. After her creations were finished a Q&A session followed with many students and members participating.
  3. Christopher, our president, then announced the kitchen was serving food and the meeting would follow.
    1. Everyone enjoyed a fabulous meal and delicious desserts.
    2. Making new friends and greeting old acquaintances was the order of the day!
  4. Chris called the meeting to order at 7:25 pm
    1. He noted it was great to see so many faces at the meeting.
    2. He called on everyone to introduce their guests; of special note were Rosy Amlani from ColdChase, as well as Andreas Scherer from Scherer Livestock Ltd..
  5. Everyone was reminded to purchase their 50/50 tickets to support the CACC.
  6. There were no comments/additions to the meeting agenda.
  7. No one from the floor had any comments regarding the posted minutes of our June 6 meeting at the CBE CT Centre. MOTION by Mathieu Paré, seconded by Chris Thomson, to accept the June 6 meeting minutes as circulated-
  8. There was no old business raised from the floor.
  9. Since many were still enjoying their food, it was decided to move the presentation of ColdChase to a later slot to ensure all could enjoy the presentation. The following is a summary of their talk. They specialize in cold chain monitoring. A large portion of our produce is lost in transit from field to table- some accounts are as high as 50%. The F.D.A. in the U.S.A. is pushing for increased monitoring of sensitive, perishable items, such as pharmaceuticals and food, and legislation is expected within the next few years- Canada will most likely follow the initiative. Constant monitoring of the temperature, humidity and actual location of the product are all critical in addressing that loss. The sensors used by ColdChase are also a valuable tool to end users such as hotels, caterers, restaurants, etc.. The defrost cycle of a cooler can be tracked and potential problems can be spotted early on and addressed before the unit fails and leads to product being spoiled. It is also possible to track the route used by shipping companies to address time sensitive situations; liability may depend on determining where the problem occurred. A Q&A session followed. Our president, Christopher, then presented Rosy Amlani, CEO of ColdChase, with a certificate of appreciation from the CACC.
  10. Christopher called upon Mariko and Chris Thomson to come forward and accept our certificate of appreciation for their presentation.
  11. Christopher, as well as Travis, our membership director, called forward new members, Glen Monk and Gil Muschanov, presented them with their local membership certificates, and swore them into our Association by the reading of our code of ethics.
  12. Mikael Volke, a SAIT instructor and one of our education directors,announced he was glad to hand out CCC certificates at our SAIT meeting so that current students could see and appreciate what years of dedication and hard work can accomplish; he called upon Graham Smith and Nils Schneider to step forward and receive their CCC certificates and pins.
  13. Christopher presented a brief report; he noted the increase of membership year over year. This has been made possible by the work of your board of directors.
  14. Our October 3 meeting will be at the Ranchmen’s Club; please note a dress code is in effect- business attire is acceptable, no torn jeans. November 7 meeting will be hosted by Spolumbo’s- we will have a quick-fire challenge at that meeting! Our annual Christmas dinner will be on Monday December 11 at the Bow Valley Ranch restaurant.
  15. Don, our treasurer, reported we have 3 G.I.C.s; the CACC is in good shape financially. He could not get the credit card system working for this meeting and will rectify the situation for the next meeting. He is taking reservations for the Christmas dinner. In closing, he stated the books are always open to current members and you need to talk to him to arrange a suitable time for your perusal.
  16. Secretary’s report attached at the end of the minutes.
  17. Travis, our membership director, announced that those paying membership now would get the rest of 2023 as well as 2024 included in their membership term.
  18. Mathieu announced that this meeting marks his one-year anniversary as a social director. The fishing event in July was fun and the next one will be in February. He is thinking of doing a Monkey survey on the Children’s Christmas party. Federico plans on doing weekly posts on our group Facebook page.
  19. Mikael did his reporting with the CCC presentation in point 12 and had nothing further to add.
  20. No report from the associate directors.
  21. Our junior directors, Tierra and Jose, thanked all the students for coming. This solid showing is hopefully a great sign of things to come.
  22. Sean McIntyre, a SAIT student, and one of our junior/young chef members, addressed the assembly. He said he liked being part of the CACC because it helps give you a path forward in your career. It is his philosophy to seek opportunity and seize the initiative.
  23. There was no new business from the floor.
  24. Mariko drew the winning ticket for the 50/50 draw; the winner was Greg Trimming.
  25. Next meeting is on October 3 at the Ranchmen’s Club.
  26. MOTION to adjourn by Tierra Walter, seconded by Chris Thomson-

Blake Chapman,

Secretary’s report,

CACC business meeting,

SAIT Hospitality House,

Tuesday September 12, 2023


Good day everyone;

  • As I stated at our June meeting, and repeated at our June 19 BoD meeting, my goal was to have our local CACC database reconciled with national; I am happy to state that goal has been accomplished. Our local database matches the CF national one for the Calgary branch. I appreciate the fact that our national administrator, Lisa, worked with us to overcome a myriad of obstacles and achieve an up to date and accurate roster for our branch.

We have a few more hurdles to overcome caused by the fact our website was hacked; we have a couple of files that were submitted as membership applications but were never completed with the membership payment. This is a local issue and will be dealt with internally.

Remember that our database is only as accurate as you allow it to be. Inform us in a timely manner of changes to your file. When you sign-in please check your postal code and email address to make sure the information is accurate.

When our website has been rebuilt and secured, we will again be able to process all forms of payment online. Another hopeful change will be for the association to send out emails through our website and no longer rely on personal accounts to convey association business – that is one thing I am looking forward to!!!

  • Also work with us to make sure our Wellness Committee is kept updated with news affecting our membership. Never assume someone has already informed us of an illness, surgery, birth, etc.. We are here as a community to support one another and with your help we can be there when someone needs a kind word, a welcoming and supportive smile or a gift basket that says we are thinking of you.
  • If you are volunteering or assisting in a community project please let us know. We can disseminate the particulars to the membership and perhaps get others to assist in the endeavour. Remember we do not need you to be a lighthouse, that guiding light for everyone; be satisfied in providing a simple spark that ignites one person’s interest, and soon that spark can ignite many more and become a fire that helps light the way to a better tomorrow!
  • We must bring our Bylaws up to date; national has changed over the past several years and our circumstances locally have also evolved- however our Bylaws have remained static for roughly 7 years and no longer meet our needs. I am making it my mandate to have the membership vote on updated Bylaws and Standing Rules at our next AGM in January 2024. Please review our Bylaws as they presently stand and make any recommendations to me- many hands make for light work.
  • One of our associate members, Ridgerock studios, has offered a special promotional rate to members and industry contained within our database; I previously sent out a notice on their behalf. I have several printed copies of their offer with me should you wish to see it. We can all take pictures of food, but it takes skill to make that food look its very best.



CACC business meeting Tuesday, June 6 at CBE C & T Centre

A very nice buffet dinner was served at 6:10 pm for all to enjoy; Jeff Birch from Kienna Coffee Roasters was present offering various coffee and iced coffee beverages as well as giving away sampler bags of some of their products.

We had 21 people in the room.

1.      Jessica called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. She explained the absence of our president, Christopher, as well as our chairman, Fred, as they were attending our national conference in Niagara.

2.      Jessica welcomed everyone and asked that our guests be introduced.

3.      She reminded everyone to purchase their 50/50 tickets.

4.      Jessica asked if anyone had any additions or comments regarding our agenda for today’s meeting- no changes from the floor.

5.      Our V.P. asked if anyone has any comments or changes to propose regarding our circulated minutes of our May 2nd meeting at the Stampede grounds- there was no discussion from the floor. It was MOVED by Don Turnbull, seconded by Tierra Walter, to accept the minutes of our May 2nd meeting- CARRIED.

6.      Jessica presented our certificate of appreciation to Heather Gould-Hawke, our host for the evening. Heather thanked all for coming; she reported that she has 9 high schools in her program with a 10th high school participating next year. She spoke of the effort it takes to support students in SKILLS competition as an example, but the effort is well worth it.

7.      Jessica called on Travis, our membership director, to come forward and hand out our CACC Life Membership certificate to Larry Frandle. Travis thanked Larry for his many years of service and support of our association; Travis pointed out that it is thanks to members like Larry our association is still active.

8.      Hans Puccinelli was to receive his CACC membership certificate, but work commitment prevented him from attending; we will see him at a future meeting for the presentation.

9.      Liz Kilmury from International Pacific Sales was to receive her associate membership certificate but unfortunately, she was also absent.

10.  Jessica read our president’s report which was submitted via email- a copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes.

11.  Our V.P. then gave her report. Our September 12th meeting is at SAIT with the exact location TBD.; our October 3rd meeting is not yet finalized with details to follow; November 7th meeting is at Spolumbo’s in Inglewood; our December Christmas dinner will again be at the Bow Valley Ranch restaurant in Fish Creek Park with the date TBD. Jessica also participated in a zoom call with other branches across the country hosted by the CF- our national association. It was well attended with many branches expressing the identical challenges of re-invigorating their local membership and wanting to grow their branch. COVID was a serious hit to all the branches with in-person meetings banned and many leaving our industry. Many branches have started fundraising initiatives to raise public awareness and stimulate involvement in their respective branches.

12.  Secretary’s report attached at the end of the minutes. As a matter of reference, we had 70 members in total in April and as of June 4 we have 86. Another positive note is that we have a new junior member/young chef as well as a new associate member sign up at this evening’s meeting- progress is being made.

13.  Martin, our treasurer, reported that the bank account balances with our books; QuickBooks is functional, and he will assist our new treasurer in getting acquainted with it. He thanked everyone for allowing him to serve for as long as he has, and he is looking forward to some down time!

14.  Mathieu, one of our social directors, reported we will have a July 9th fishing event at Chain Lakes Provincial Park, 90 minutes south of Calgary. Pre Pak meats will provide hot dogs and we will provide the incidentals to feed those attending. Check out our website for information and contact Mathieu to reserve your spot or to ask questions about the outing. No fishing license is required for that day and fishing gear and assistance will be provided for those that need it. Mathieu then called on Julie Walker, from Full Circle Adventures, our guide for our upcoming nature walk at Edworthy Park on June 11th. Julie gave an interesting and informative presentation on what we can expect to see at the park.

15.  Helmut, our media chair, informed us the pay-on-line system is now accessible on our website. He encouraged everyone to use the online forms to update their database file- you fill in the form and submit it without using the payment option and the updated information is sent to the secretary as well as the treasurer. Helmut also asked everyone to inform him of newsworthy events so that he may post them on our website. In closing he asked that we prepare for the future by having 2 people shadow the webmaster to learn how to maintain the system and ensure seamless transitions in the future.

16.  Blake, as election chair, then proceeded with the election process. All positions were filled at the May meeting but two- secretary and treasurer. Blake called on nominations from the floor for treasurer- Don Turnbull agreed to let his name stand for treasurer. Blake called twice more for nominations for treasurer, but no further nameswere advanced. OUTCOME: Don Turnbull was acclaimed as treasurer.

●Blake called for nominations from the floor for secretary- no one came forward; Blake called twice more for nominations to no avail. OUTCOME: Blake closed the nomination process and announced the position would be tabled and the President, with board approval, would appoint a secretary.

17.  Jessica called for any old business to be brought up before we thanked the outgoing board members- nothing was brought forward.

18.  Jessica then thanked the following board members, whose term had expired, and thanked them for their service as they step off the board: secretary Blake Chapman, treasurer Martin Makulowich, associate 1 Al Kennedy, education 1 Mikael Volke, social 1 Mathieu Paré, and junior/young chef 1Tierra Walter.

19.  Jessica, with prior board approval, asked Blake Chapman if he would accept the appointment as secretary; Blake agreed and will serve until the next round of elections in June 2024.

20.  Jessica then called forward the newly elected/appointed board members forward to be sworn in: secretary Blake Chapman, treasurer Don Turnbull, associate 1 Al Kennedy, education 1 Mikael Volke, social 1 Mathieu Paré, and junior/young chef 1 Tierra Walter. Jessica then used our Code of Ethics to swear in the new board.

1.      Note that education 1 Mikael Volke was at national and not in attendance- he will be sworn in at our next meeting.

21.  Jessica called for any new business from the floor- no new business from the floor.

22.  50/50 draw winners: Mars B won $35.00 cash; small wares baskets won by Jose B and Larry Frandle.

23.  Jessica then called for a motion to adjourn; MOVED by Beat Hegnauer, seconded by Martin Makulowich, to adjourn the meeting- CARRIED.

►President’s report:

To the membership of the CACC 

As we bring this election cycle to a close, I want to thank you all for supporting our great association.

The two years leading up to last, were not easy for anyone and were particularly challenging for our industry.

Covid brought many different hardships, in health and in workplace, business and culture. We, as an organization were not immune to this unprecedented era and suffered a great number of setbacks and sadly, we also lost several of our longtime members.

I believe this past year, we as a membership, have come such an incredibly long way in gathering and rejuvenating our association. I am so proud of all our accomplishments and regrowth, and I am certain Greater things are to come in 2023/2024!

I want to also take this time to thank our Board of Directors for their passionate hard work and dedication to our association.

I wish everyone all the best and look forward to seeing you all, after the summer.


Christopher Sprentz, president CACC 

►Secretary’s report

●Any new director not sworn-in at the June meeting will be at the September meeting.

            I believe only Mikael Volke will need to complete this process.

●No progress since our June business meeting on the membership front.

            No new members when compared to the national roster.

            No updates regarding our branch (such as Federico Causapin) with CF updating their status to current.

●One associate member and one junior/young chef member joined in June. As a matter of reference, we had 70 members in total in April and as of June 4 we had 86.

●Several members have completed paperwork to update their file. Our local database shows 73 active members while national reflects 52- some changes at the national level have yet to be recorded and many more files will be updated when Lisa, our national administrator, gets back to me. It is my goal to have the membership issues addressed by our September meeting.

●I found a new file with several local life members- we must bring our database up to date with these names- several are associate; some are deceased…the usual blend of entries. The file consists of Gordon LaChance, Frank Fallwell, David Russell, Bert Johnson and Suzanne Tenold; these names will be added in time to be reflected at our September meeting.

CACC business meeting Tuesday,
May 2, 2023 at Calgary Stampede


CACC business meeting,

Palomino Room, Calgary Stampede,

6:00 pm start time.

41 people were in attendance.

Jeff Birch from Kienna Coffee Roasters provided a coffee bar for all to enjoy.

City Fish generously donated product to provide a fish appetizer bar as well as for a hot station.

An absolutely fabulous dinner service started at 6:15 pm that was enjoyed by all!

1) Fred, our chairman, chaired the meeting since our president, Christopher, was on vacation in the city that never sleeps!! Fred called the meeting to order at 7:25 pm.

2) Fred thanked all for coming and asked for the introduction of our guests.

3) All were reminded to support the 50/50 draw by purchasing tickets.

4) There were no additions or comments to the circulated meeting agenda.

5) There was no discussion or comments regarding the posted minutes of our April 4 meeting at Village Way; MOTION by Abe Belmoufid, seconded by Beat Hegnauer, to accept the minutes as circulated- CARRIED.

6) Geoffrey, from the kitchen brigade, accepted our certificate of appreciation for hosting our meeting.

7) Our election chair, Blake, made a call for nominations for our open board positions. Al Kennedy was advanced for Associate 1- no other nominations; Mikael Volke was nominated for Education 1- no other nominations; Mathieu Paré accepted to let his name stand for Social 1- no other nominations; Tierra Walters let her name stand for Junior/Young chef 1- no other nominations. These positions were filled by acclamation. No nominations for Secretary or Treasurer were received and Blake indicated we would have another opportunity later in the evening to advance names for those two positions.

8) Simon Dunn, from SAIT, was our first speaker. He informed us that post Covid the number of apprentices in our industry is down significantly. The program is offered by A.I.T. (Apprenticeship and Industry Training) and delivered by SAIT by PAC using I.L.Ms.(individual learning modules)- industry drives the system by allowing apprentices to participate in the program; anyone can now sign-up- no experience is required to register in the Apprenticeship Program. A desired goal is to become a mandatory trade. NAIT (Edmonton) has cancelled its baking program and SAIT (Calgary) is running its last baking program because there are no apprentices in the pipeline. To encourage participation in the program SAIT has brought back the WATS (weekly apprenticeship training sessions) model; it consists of 240 hours of in class training; it is a 3-year program that costs in total $3,900- as a reference the professional 2 year full time program at SAIT costs over $16,000; many tax incentives for the apprenticeship program are in place to offset the cost to the apprentice and employers are also offered incentives to offset any associated costs.

12) Blake reported we are now at 88 members (federation, junior and associates) with several people paying their dues at tonight’s meeting. Our database is a work in progress, and as you can see from the number of postal codes associated with members’ names, we are making progress. This summer will be busy with our branch reconciling with national our current roster.

13) Martin indicated our books are in order; the challenge of trying to reconcile our paid/current membership roster is being addressed but will take time.

14) Travis indicated many people signed-up at the door at the start of the meeting; he even got many to fill-in a membership application which helps us maintain a current database.

Travis presented Alfrie Sanchez with his CACC membership certificate.

15) Mikael indicated the CCC written exam will be this week and at present 8 students are waiting to take the practical exam next week.

16) Associate director Al Kennedy presented David Yip, from City Fish, with his membership certificate.

17) No social update.

18) No update from our junior directors.

19) Cam Dobranski was introduced as our featured speaker. Cam’s goal is to inspire others; he has over 35 years’ experience in our industry. His culinary journey started in Edmonton but at the young age of 20 he travelled solo to Switzerland to pursue his training. He returned to Alberta and opened his first restaurant, Muse, in Calgary- that was back in the boom time of the 80’s. It was during this hectic time he started designing kitchen clothing and investigated dishware; he recalls this time as being at the right place at the right time to make lifelong contacts and his simple take away is to listen to people- you never know when an opportunity will present itself! He dedicated himself to his craft and the industry; he was involved with many restaurants and takes pride in the fact he always paid his suppliers; partnerships are a challenging part of business; and most importantly give back to the community. After the challenging time of Covid he divested himself of several projects and decided to work smarter and not harder! He explained failure is a part of success and you must look for a life balance. His final insight was relating how one of his stupid ideas was going to work out- he simply did not know which one would prove successful!

20) Fred presented Jeff Birch, from Kienna Coffee Roasters, a certificate of appreciation.

21) Blake, as election chair, made a final call for nomination for the 2 vacant positions: secretary and treasurer. No nominations were presented so these two positions are tabled for the June meeting. Blake stated that a retired member has indicated they would step forward if no one accepted the position of treasurer- that name will be announced at our next meeting. There are no leads for secretary!

22) Our next meeting is June 6 at the CBE Career and Technology Centre, 2336 – 53 Ave SW; start time is 6 pm.

23) No new business was presented from the floor.

24) The 50/50 draw was won by Blake ($65.00); Todd and Sean won the small wares packages.

25) MOTION to adjourn by Beat Hegnauer, seconded by Will Wentz- CARRIED.

CACC business meeting Tuesday 

April 4, 2023 at Village Way Kitchen

We had 50 people in attendance.

1)   Our president, Christopher, thanked everyone for coming and invited all to have dinner at 6:15 pm.

2)  Guests enjoyed a tasty buffet; since this was a dry meeting (i.e., no alcohol) Kienna Coffee Roasters organized a coffee bar for us to enjoy.

3)  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

4)  There were no changes to the agenda.

5)  Christopher promoted our 50/50 draw with a cash prize as well as several small wares gift baskets up for grabs.

6)  We had several new faces in the crowd and introductions were in order.

7)  Regarding our last meeting minutes from the Calgary Zoo

a.  A minor change regarding the secondary winner of a small wares gift basket was noted.

b.  MOTION by Don Turnbull, seconded by Werner Kohl, to accept the minutes as circulated- CARRIED.

8)   Mars Bacani was presented with a certificate of appreciation for hosting the meeting. He thanked all for coming then asked Maheet from the Centre for Newcomers to say a few words. They are a not-for-profit organization that presently run 2 cafeterias and have a commercial kitchen in development. They specialize in working with ethnic communities and organize fund raising for their benefit.

9)   Simon Dunn from S.A.I.T. was sick and unable to attend so his talk on the apprenticeship program was tabled to our next meeting.

10)  Christopher gave his report. We had 8 branches represented at the Western Conference; they had good debates regarding several issues; Ron Wong from Edmonton was elected as the new western v-p.; many branches are reporting low memberships. We have been asked to host next year’s western conference and the board supports the idea. Jessica, our v-p., has been named conference chair and will do a feasibility assessment. We need to have a better idea of costs, but our goal is to host the conference as a break even proposition.

11)  Christopher reported for Fred, our chairman, since he is still out of town. Our 2023 Christmas dinner will again be hosted by Ulrich from GreatEvents- details will be released when they are finalized.

a. On a side note, Michael Noble offered to host any member at his restaurant NOtaBLE for happy hour after the meeting- a much appreciated gesture Michael, thank you.

12)  Jessica, our v-p., was absent so no report was given.

13)  Secretary’s report attached at the end of the minutes.

14)  Election chair update provided by Blake; only current members may run for office or vote; contested positions this year are secretary, treasurer, education 1, associate 1, social 1 and junior 1. We have had a positive response from members running for office and anyone wishing to do so should contact Blake, or any board member.

15)  Martin gave his finance report. He was having computer troubles and relied on a verbal report. Martin had a hard copy on hand should anyone want specifics of his report. A simplified review had the following highlights: a roughly $3,000 loss in the year 2022 mostly explained by very low membership numbers; our Christmas dinner made $2.50 in profit which is well within our stated break-even proposition; our GICs have been re-invested and continue to grow. There was minimal debate from the floor. The secretary the called for a motion to accept the review- MOTION by Martin Makulowich, seconded by Greg Trimming, to accept the financial review as presented by our treasurer- only current members were allowed to cast their vote- 26 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain- result CARRIED. ●The financial report and the reviewers report are attached at the end of the minutes; any member in good standing may contact the treasurer and make arrangements to view the books of the association

16)  Travis, our membership director, commented on the great turnout for the meeting and the many new faces in the crowd. He encourages everyone to bring a friend to future meetings and keep the momentum rolling and growing.

17)  Mathieu, our social 1 director, spoke on the survey results the membership were asked to fill out. Outdoor events were heavily supported, so our first outdoor event will be on Sunday June 11 @ Edworthy park- details will be out shortly and is limited to roughly 12 spaces so do not delay in registering your participation. ●A fishing field trip will be organized in July as part of the fishing day event nationally. ●Another point Mathieu saw supported was bringing in subject matter experts to talk to the group- therefore he invited RidgeRock Studios, who specialize in food photography, to come and speak to us tonight.

18)  Mikael, education chair 1, informed the group that the next CCC exam is on May 27; he encouraged people to talk about the CCC and generate interest regarding the certification. Several modules make up the CCC program (such as HR management, menu planning and food costing); the all-in cost to take the CCC is roughly $2,500. At present we have 8 potential candidates in the process of taking the course.

a. Regarding the high school SKILLS competition at held at SAIT: Madeline Cutten from Central Memorial was first; second was Zoe Parks from Our Lady of the Rockies; third was Jose Garcia from Our Lady of the Rockies; fourth place was Aaron Ting from Bishop McNally. Mikael pointed out many high school students who compete at SKILLS will often also compete at the post-secondary level when they come to SAIT.

19)  Greg, our associate director, reported they are working on promoting our association to industry representatives. Seeing an increase in chefs at the meeting creates a buzz within industry circles and this trend needs to continue.

20)  At this time our president, Christopher called upon Sean McIntyre, a new junior/young chef member from SAIT, to come forward and receive his CACC membership certificate. Sean promoted the SAIT “garage” sale that supports SAIT culinary students; we were asked to donatesmall wares, knives, books, and various items needed by students to complete their studies. See Sean directly or communicate through Blake any interest in helping with this event.

21)  Helmut, our webmaster, wants to see a website that is functional and interesting. Please tell us of any newsworthy or featured culinary events so that we may post them on our website.

22)  RidgeRock Studios O/O Todd Patterson and his son Nick gave a great presentation on food photography and their business. They started 22 years ago and are situated in Springbank. The business is attached to their house and has3 photography studios and a commercial kitchen studio. As Todd pointed out their specialty is food styling so they can guarantee the food will look delicious- if they have to prepare the food there is no guarantee it will taste as delicious! They have done several photoshoots for cookbooks, have worked with many breweries and distillers across the province and do considerable work in what they called “lifestyle” segments in advertising.

a. Christopher thanked them for a great presentation and presented them with a certificate of appreciation for their support.

b. Christopher then called for Jeff Birch, from Kienna Coffee Roasters forward and thanked him for providing such great and exotic coffee drinks for the evening. Jeff expressed his gratitude for the opportunity and said this was a way for Kienna Coffee to give back to our industry and show support to the association. Jeff thanked Cappuccino King for providing the machine that was used throughout the evening.

23)  Our next meeting will be at Stampede Park, in the Palomino room, on Tuesday May 2; usual start time of 6 pm. The usual $15 parking fee will be in effect at the grounds.

24)  No new business was brought forward from the floor.

25)  The 50/50 draws took place:

a. Martin won the $80 cash prize.

b. Greg, Blake, Christopher and Mikael each won a small wares gift pack donated through BJE Hospitality Solutions- all in turn donated the small wares to Seam McIntyre to support the SAIT culinary “garage “ sale.

26)  MOTION to adjourn the meeting made by Don Turnbull, seconded by Werner Kohl- CARRIED.

Secretary’s report

Good day everyone;

1)   As you would have noticed at our sign-in sheets only active members are listed. We are in the process of doing a membership reconciliation; we have 27 life, 27 national, 2 young chefs/juniors, and 10 associate members on our books. We have several discrepancies with national and we will work on resolving these issues as quickly as possible.

Current, i.e. paid up members, may vote on special/important issues; if you are not paid up please see our treasure, Martin, to restore your privilege.

2)  As you can see from our sign-in sheets we have many more postal codes listed and that means records are being updated. Please come and see me if your name does not have a postal code attached to it or if it is wrong.

3)  Please ensure you are completing a membership form when you are renewing or signing-up for the first time. Accurate records make everyone’s life easier.

4)  The Wellness Committee is always looking for good news stories to share and celebrate, or indeed difficult events where we can offer support and demonstrate we are a caring community. Please share with us and show your support. A big thank you to Jessica, our VP, who organizes the gift baskets on our behalf.

5)  In closing, this association is only as strong as the level of support it receives from the membership. This is your association and we, the board of directors, take direction from you. Get involved, support the association in any way you can, and the rewards will be greater than the effort.

Yours in cooking,


April 25, 2023

To the Calgary Academy of Chefs and Cooks Association,

Re: 2022 Financial Statement Review

I’ve conducted a review of your association’s financial statements. I’ve determined that your financial statements are free of any material misstatements.

Chequing bank account in the amount of $28,851.12 reconciles with the Scotiabank statement as at Dec 31, 2022.

Scotia bank GIC in the amount of $60,698.24 reconciles with the Scotiabank statement as at Dec 31, 2022.

Year end retained earnings of $89,793.07 consists of the previous year’s balance of $93,128.53 minus the loss of $3,335.46 for the year.

The association’s net loss of $3,335.46 during 2022 appears to be reasonable.

Kerry Zwiers, BComm


Calgary Academy of Chefs and Cooks Association


Balance Sheet


As of December 31, 2022




Current Assets


Cash and Equipment



Chequing Bank Account




Balance Sheet








Undeposited Funds



Total Cash and Equipment



Accounts Receivable (A/R)



Accounts Receivable (A/R)



Total Accounts Receivable (A/R)



10400 Current Assets



Computer & Electronics



Total 1400 Current Assets



Total Current Assets




Non-current Assets


Property, plant and equipment


Other Fixed assets



Total Property, plant and equipment



Total Non Current Assets




Total Assets





       Liabilities and Equity




Current Liabilities


Accounts Payable (A/P)



Accounts Payable (A/P)



Total Accounts Payable (A/P)




GST/HST Payable



Total GST/HST Payable



Total Current Liabilities




Total Liabilities






Opening Equity Balance



Retained Earnings



Profit for the year



Total Equity




Total Liabilities and Equity





CACC meeting Tuesday March 7, 2023

Calgary Zoo

1.      Christopher, our president, called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

2.      He encouraged people to purchase 50/50 tickets.

3.      He thanked all for coming and asked for the introduction of our guests.

4.      No comments or amendments to our agenda.

5.      There was no business arising from our last minutes at the Prairie Dog Brewery.

a.       MOVED by Will Wentz, seconded by Helmut Schoderbock, to accept the minutes of our last minutes as circulated- CARRIED unanimously.

6.      Christopher presented to Executive Chef Kenneth Titcomb a certificate of appreciation for hosting the meeting. All agreed the food was excellent and the venue outstanding.

7.      Christopher called forward John Athley Chan and presented him with our local junior/young chef membership certificate; he was given a warm welcome from all in attendance.

8.      Our president reminded all of the change in collecting membership dues- we collect all dues locally and disseminate the funds to national.

9.      Helmut, our webmaster, gave an update on the new website; progress is being made and content is added as required. Our awards lists and recipients are now accessible; members are invited to peruse the website and provide feedback. Membership application forms are available and for now you must fill in the form, save it to your computer, then email it to our secretary and our treasurer; soon we will be able to simply fill it out online and then submit it directly to the appropriate directors.

10.  Our nomination meeting for our elections is in May with the June meeting serving as the election meeting. The contested positions this year will be treasurer, secretary, education 1, associate 1, social 1 and junior 1. Blake Chapman was appointed Election Chair.

11.  Jessica, our vice president, confirmed our April 4 meeting at Village Way Kitchen in the New Victory Church building; May meeting will be at the Stampede Grounds in the Palomino room and June will see us at the CBE Career and Technology Centre, 2336- 53 Ave SW.. We have venues tentatively secured up to November and will announce them as soon as all are confirmed.

12.  Our secretary’s report is attached at the end of the minutes.

13.  Martin had no update on financials. He can process membership dues so see him should you want to renew your membership.

14.  Travis, our membership director, commented on the many new faces in the crowd- that is a great sign! He hopes this represents a show of support to our association. We are working on several initiatives and will bring them forward as we sort through logistics. It takes time to overcome the inertia of several years of COVID shut-down!

15.  No education report given at this time.

16.  No social update given.

17.  The junior/young chef update was the presentation to John Athley Chan of his membership certificate and another new junior member to be sworn-in at our next meeting.

18.  No associate update.

19.  Meghan Monk and Guy Leggatt from Sysco were our featured guest speakers for the evening. Meghan stated what a pleasure it was to share the evening with us. She started with Sysco serving the Banff area and she saw many familiar faces in the crowd. She stressed how Sysco values its relationships with their customers. Guy started his career in hotels then became a chef. Presently he is in business development and his passion is to share his knowledge to help others in the food service industry. Their joint presentation theme centred around managing inflation. The Sysco Virtual Kitchen (SVK) was developed during COVID to offset the lack of personal contact- it was not developed to specifically sell Sysco products but rather to help support industry. Meghan and Guy spoke about the varied resources developed in house, or with the assistance/cooperation of industry leaders, that are available to help manage a successful path through todays trying economic conditions. A lively discussion with the membership followed the presentation.

20.  Future meeting dates and sites were again stressed- next meeting is Tuesday April 4 hosted by Village Way Kitchen 10623 West Valley Road SW in the Victory Church main dining hall on the second floor.

21.  Christopher made a last call for the 50/50 draw.

a.       At this time member Rosalyn Ediger announced the fact that Margaret Turner’s mother had passed away. We will disseminate further information as it is made available.

22.  The draw was won by Dennis Kazakoff

23.  MOTION by Don Turnbull, seconded by Tierra Walter, to adjourn the meeting- CARRIED

Tuesday March 7, 2023

Secretary’s report,

CACC business meeting

Calgary Zoo

Good day everyone;

1.      We still list members as current who paid their 2022 dues but not yet paid their 2023 fees. That status ends after the first quarter; if you wish to remain current you must pay your 2023 dues by the end of March.

2.      On the federation membership sign-in sheets you should have noticed that some members have a postal code within their record. Those that do not are encouraged to complete a membership form so that we may update our records; if your listed postal code is incorrect then we most likely have a wrong address for you so you will also need to complete the form.

3.      Having updated information enables us to keep national current on your file as well.

4.      You must be a current member to vote hold office. Please allow your voice to be heard; be part of those who help direct our association- you cannot effect change on the sidelines!

5.      Remember to share with the Wellness Committee news about yourself or colleagues so that we may celebrate with you; we are looking for new job postings, marriages, birth within the immediate family as examples; other noteworthy events such as serious health challenges need to be shared so that we may support one another in a time of need.


Minutes, CACC business meeting

Prairie Dog Brewing, Calgary

February 7, 2023


1.      Chris, our president, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

2.      He thanked all for coming and asked that our guests be introduced.

3.      The agenda was accepted as circulated.

4.      No questions or business arising from the minutes of our last meeting on January 10th, our AGM, held at Calgary Golf & Country Club. MOTION to accept the minutes by Tierra W, seconded by Jessica S- carried.

5.      Chris called on the floor manager, Thalice, to come forward and accept our certificate of appreciation for hosting the meeting. She spoke of how grateful the establishment was for thinking of them to host a meeting and that supporting industry was one of their stated goals.

6.      Unfortunately, the Prairie Dog Brewmaster was sick, and our facility tour and presentation was cancelled.

7.      The membership was reminded that we are again collecting membership fees locally.

8.      Helmut spoke of the slow progress in creating a new website. Implementing a payment component into the website has been complicated by the operating system we are using. Hopefully he will have the system up and running by the end of the month. The new site is being continually updated with information contained on the old site migrated to the new one.

9.      President’s update;

► President’s Gala cancelled for 2023 and moved to 2024 for the following reasons:

o    I believe our Association hasn’t reached a point of post-COVID ‘bounce back’ that warrants a proper ‘celebration’ of our beloved club’s accomplishments.  

o    Our goal was to have a much greater growth of our membership base, but at this point, we just aren’t there in numbers. 

o    I believe our industry is hurting in many ways. Shortage of staff, both FOH and BOH, is still causing a great deal of burnout and stress, within our comrades in the field. 

o    Our Holiday dinner this past December was very successful, in my opinion, but I don’t believe having another elaborate event, so soon after that, will be as well received or attended. We must maintain the high standards we have come to expect.

o    The ‘main event’ of the gala is to present awards to our hard-working members and industry partners, a lot of which we haven’t been able to bring back to our association, just yet.  

o    I think we have more work to do, before we celebrate and as President, I’m not 100% in support of having it at this time. It’s just too soon. 

 ► CF Conferences 2023:

Western- Victoria- March 17-19 

National- Niagara Falls- June 4-8- Registration Open on CF Site 

10. Jessica, our VP, announced our March 7th meeting at the Calgary Zoo; April 4th at Village Way Kitchen/Catering with Chef Mars Bacani, May 2nd meeting at the Stampede Grounds and June 6th at the CBE Career and Technology Centre (2336 – 53 Ave SW).

11. Secretary’s report attached after the minutes; Blake announced we had 40 people in attendance for the meeting.

12. Martin was busy processing payments at the sign-in desk and did not present an update at this time.

13. Travis, our membership director, thanked all for coming out. We have a nice crowd to be sure but of significance is the number of new faces in the crowd- this is a welcome sight! We are working on several new initiatives and will bring them forward when they are ready for prime time.

14. Abdel and Mikael, our education co-chairs, were both absent attending to work commitments, so that report was not presented.

15. Mathieu, a social director, spoke on the results of the survey members were asked to complete; some of the results were surprising and future surveys are in order to pursue certain apparent trends. Education was one of the most supported topics within the survey, and outside events, such as walking trails and hikes, that do not fall within our usual food service environment also scored well in the survey.

16. Our junior directors were absent and no report was presented.

17. Jennifer Chapman-Clarke, a certified holistic nutritional consultant, and O/O of Nourish Women’s Wellness, gave a very interesting 15 minute audio-visual presentation on food, and how you handle and prepare that food will change the beneficial aspects of the food. She had samples of pickles and sauerkraut, each presented two ways, pickled with vinegar and the other method fermented, to highlight her presentation. Fermented foods are better for your gut health because they contain a tremendous amount of healthy pro-biotics, but the pickling process has benefits as well so neither choice is wrong, just different.

        Chris, our president, presented Jennifer a certificate of appreciation after her presentation.

18. Future meeting dates and sites addressed in point 10.

19. MOTION to adjourn by Werner k, seconded by Federico C- carried.


Blake Chapman,Secretary’s report,CACC, February 7, 2023,Prairie Dog Brewing.●

1) Database is an ongoing concern, in other words a living document.

     We will need everyone to go online when we are set up and complete an application form.

     Much of our data is being pulled from various sources, many of which are several years old!

Accurate information depends on your support to fill in the blanks and keeping us up to date when other important data changes.

2) The sign-in sheets reflect those members who have paid their 2023 dues.

We still recognize members who were current in 2022 for the time being; to keep that standing we urge members to pay their 2023 dues ASAP. It is especially important this year because branches have their voting weight based on current membership #s and we vote, this year, on a new national president at our national conference.

3) It is important you understand this is your association. The executive take direction from you. Without your support we cannot hope to be successful. We are only as strong as the level of support you give to the CACC. You do not need to be a guiding light; take comfort in being a spark that will catch someone’s interest and soon all those sparks will light a bonfire of support.

4) Get involved if you can. We should appoint an Election Committee Chair next month in preparation of our nomination meeting in May. Give serious consideration in serving your association- after all, many hands make for light work. It is much easier to effect change from within than it is from standing on the side lines!

Have a wonderful day,


Tuesday, January 10, 2020

CACC AGM minutes

Calgary Golf & Country Club


1) Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

2) Blake, our secretary, asked all to stand and read our Code of Ethics.

3) No amendments to our circulated agenda

4) Chris, our president, asked that guests be introduced.

5) Chris also announced that Greg, one of our associate directors, was hospitalized; he asked we keep Greg in our thoughts and we wish him a speedy recovery.

6) We held a moment of silence for departed members since our September meeting at SAIT- George Van Dyk and John Pasley. Chris asked if those in attendance could announce other departed members but no further names were advanced.

7) Chris asked if there was any old business arising from the minutes of our November meeting at Spolumbo’s- there was none.

MOTION by Beat H, seconded by Jessica S, that we accept the minutes of our November meeting as circulated- passed unanimously.

8) Our President called Abdel Belmoufid forward to accept our certificate of appreciation for hosting the meeting- Abdel is the Executive Chef of the Calgary Golf & Country Club as well as one of our education directors.

9) Chris reminded everyone that the CACC has taken back the responsibility of collecting membership dues and we are still sorting out the logistics. Our new website is coming!

10) Helmut S, our webmaster spoke of the challenges in sorting out the issues surrounding our website culminating in the CACC creating an entirely new website. WordPress is the platform we have chosen and when set up will allow us to provide the needed features to service membership requirements. The content from the old website is being migrated to the new one. Helmut hopes to be able to process payments through our website within the next few weeks. The new website is:

11) Mikael is busy teaching at SAIT so Chris spoke about the CCC; the nutrition course starts in February with other courses slated to start in March. The practical exams will be provided when numbers warrant.

12) Travis, our membership director, spoke of the importance of growing our membership. New initiatives are coming and it is important to listen to the members.

13) Mathieu introduced himself as one of our social directors. He would like to think outside the box and investigate events and activities that are not necessarily tied to our industry- walks or hikes, camping, family get togethers, etc.. He is creating a short survey for the membership and colleagues to fill out so please participate when asked.

14) Before Martin, our treasurer, presented the proposed 2023 budget, Chris, our president, spoke of a new entry in the budget. A $700 entry to stimulate membership by having the board pay aprospective member’s door fee to our host property- we will track this expense with membership data to see if it is effective and make changes as required.

Martin explained that the proposed budget before the membership follows the same format as the one initially shown at the November meeting. In broad strokes he highlighted revenues exceeding $48,000 and expenses of $55,750 resulting in a projected loss of just over $7,000. Martin then answered questions from the floor. MOTION by Jessica S., seconded by Drew D., to approve the 2023 proposed budget-(our secretary noted only current members may vote using the provided ballots) passed unanimously with 25 recorded votes.

15) The President’s report is attached at the end of the minutes. Western Conference is in March in Victoria and the National AGM is in Niagara Falls.

16) VP’s report attached at the end of the minutes. Jessica asked that anyone wishing to host a meeting should contact her; all meetings to May are in place with only the June meeting to be confirmed.

17) Secretary’s report is attached at the end of the minutes. Blake announced we had 40 people sign-in for the meeting.

18) Abdel gave a short education report. He highlighted a recipe contest for the February meeting at the Prairie Dog Brewing Company. Details and logistics are being sorted and when finalized will be disseminated.

19) Our next meeting will be at Prairie Dog Brewing, 105D, 58 Ave S.E., Calgary on Tuesday February 7, 2023. We will have a guest speaker doing a presentation on naturopathic/holistic approach to food.

20) MOTION to adjourn moved by  , seconded by Will W- passed unanimously.


President’s report

Christopher Sprentz CCC

Passing of members- George Van Dyk, John Pasley

Membership initiative with CACC BoD. The team has an initiative to actively pursue growth of our numbers.

CF Conference- Just announced. Western, March 17-19, Victoria. Details – not scheduled

CF- National Conference June 4-8 , Niagara ON. Registration site will be up and running, shortly.

Cheers and make it a Great Day!

Christopher Sprentz CCC


Calgary Academy of Chefs and Cooks


VP’s report

Jessica Schweizer

As VP, the main are of responsibility is to find venues to host CACC business meetings.

We have the next few months of general meetings set up and they are as follows:

Feb.7 Prairie Dog Brewing

March 7 Calgary Zoo

April 4 The Ranchmen’s Club

May 2 The Calgary Stampede

June is TBD

If anyone would like to host a future meeting please come see me after the meeting.

Thanks for your time.


Secretary’s report

Blake Chapman

CACC AGM, January 10, 2023


Good day everyone;

►The pandemic struck our industry very hard.

Our association was not spared. We have lost membership over the past few years. Our industry has lost many workers and these people would be, in normal times, our target audience.

Chefs and cooks are working long hard hours to meet expectations and are left with little free time. What free time they have is spent with family and friends, or simply decompressing from a hectic lifestyle! Our association is no longer on their radar!

►We failed to consistently communicate over the past few years to the membership. We have rectified that shortcoming and are now in regular contact with you. We could not have in person meetings, and we failed to adapt by using video conferencing, or using zoom calls, as examples, to remain in touch with the membership. We have resumed regular monthly meetings since May so that deficiency has been addressed.

►We allowed the national body to take over the responsibility of collecting membership dues and many of our members felt left out- very little communication from national was happening and when issues cropped up it was felt national was aloof and unresponsive. We have resumed control of collecting membership dues to better serve the needs of our membership- you again will be able to have in person talks regarding issues important to you.

►You have a full Board of Directors- 14 people willing to provide their time, energy and experience to serve you, the membership! But you must never lose sight that this is your association and we take direction from you. Do not complain about the last board, we have moved forward and so should you!

►Our website was ineffective and we are working on restoring that functionality; the same goes regarding our social media accounts. All are being or have been reset to better communicate with you and provide better service to address membership issues, purchase tickets for social events, etc.

►We have initiated a wellness committee to share our members successes and personal milestones within our group. Please share new jobs, promotions, achievements in competitions as examples of notable work/industry related events. Let us know of weddings, births and other personal landmarks so that we may support our members by showing we are thinking of them and share in their good fortune.

►We have created a new database to help in communications; we stopped maintaining our database several years ago and that hampered our ability to remain current with the membership.  We will be able to target information based upon need- as an example reach out to associate members to get their feedback. Please complete a CACC membership form when available from the website so that we may update our records.

►We have much work ahead of us such as updating our Bylaws- mundane items like membership questions as an example. I also propose we put in place rules that protect our intellectual properties, such as our website and social media accounts, to hopefully prevent a repeat of what has transpired over the past 9 months. We have put off addressing many of these issues to face more immediate problems and will review these items by our next AGM. If you have issues you would like addressed bring them forward. This is your association and the board of directors take direction from you; having said that the board cannot be successful in driving the CACC forward without your involvement. We are as strong as the level of support we receive from membership. Together we can make it happen!

Yours in cooking,



Blake Chapman,

Secretary, CACC

C 403-652-6462



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